张志华,杨林胜,郝加虎,黄芬,张秀军,孙业桓.自尊在儿童期躯体虐待与青少年网络成瘾关系中的中介作用[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2012,33(1):50-53
RelationshiP of childhood physical abuse and internet addiction disorder in adolescence:the mediating role of self-esteem
Received:July 07, 2011  
KeyWord: 行为  成瘾  因特网  自尊  虐待
English Key Word: Behavior  Addictive  Intemet  Self-esteem  Abuse
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
ZHANG Zhi-hua Department of Epidemiology and Statistics Email:zhzhh2002@sina.com 
YANG Lin-sheng Department of Epidemiology and Statistics  
HAO Ru-hu Department of Maternal and Child Health, School of Public Health, Anhui Medical University, Hcfei 230032, ChJna  
HUANG Fen Department of Epidemiology and Statistics  
SUN Xiu-jun Department of Epidemiology and Statistics  
SUN Ye-huan Department of Epidemiology and Statistics  
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      目的 探讨自尊在儿童期躯体虐待与青少年网络成瘾关系中的中介作用。方法 在合肥市选取5所中学,以班级为单位整群抽取初一、初二、高一和高二年级共76个班3798名学生进行匿名问卷调查,内容包括中学生的社会人口统计学特征、Young网络成瘾量表、亲子冲突策略量表和罗森伯格的自尊量表。结果 儿童期躯体虐待与低自尊、网络成瘾均有关(r=-0.108,P<0.01;r=0.057,P<0.01);自尊在儿童期躯体虐待与网络成瘾之间介导的间接效应有统计学意义(a=-0.703,校正后b=-0.104;z=5.052,P<0.001);自尊所介导的间接效应在总效应中所占的比例为22.5%。结论 自尊在儿童期躯体虐待与青少年网络成瘾关系中起到了部分中介作用,提示可通过对青少年灌能训练、自尊团体训练等提高自尊的方法,减少网络成瘾的发生。
English Abstract:
      Objective To find out whether the effects of childhood physical abuse on internet addiction disorder in adolescence could be mediated by self-esteem.Methods 3798 high school students selected from 76 classes in Grade One and Grade Two,were asked to fill in the anonymous questionnaire,which including the demographic characteristics of students,Young' s Internet Addiction Scale,Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales and Rosenberg' s Self-Esteem Scale.Results Childhood physical abuse could directly predict less self-esteem and internet addiction disorder (r=-0.108,P<0.01,r=0.057,P<0.01 ) and had significant indirect effects on intemet addiction disorder which could be mediated through self-esteem (a=-0.703,standardized b=-0.104,z=5.052,P<0.001 ).Self-esteem had mediated 22.5% of the childhood physical abuse cases on their internet addiction disorders during the period of adolescence.Conclusion Self-esteem could partially mediate the relationship between childhood physical abuse and internet addiction disorder.The mediating roles of self-esteem suggested that salient leverage points could make a change through empowerment training,self-esteem group training on self-esteem enhancement in the stage of adolescence.
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