南磊,王启兴,许濒月,龚煜汉,尹碧波,阿力拉曲,曾虹,李阿沙,张燕斌,苦约哈,栾荣生.凉山州农村未婚青少年偶遇性行为与HIV感染的监测分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2012,33(11):1197-1198
Surveillance on effect of casual sexual behavior to HIV infection among unmarried adolescents and young people from rural areas in Liangshan prefecture
Received:May 19, 2012  
KeyWord: HIV感染  偶遇性行为  未婚青少年  农村
English Key Word: HIV infection  Casual sexual behavior  Unmarried adolescents and young people  Rural areas
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
NAN Lei Liangshan Prefecture Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Xichang 615000, China  
WANG Qi-xing Liangshan Prefecture Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Xichang 615000, China  
XU Bin-yue West China School of Public Health, Sichuan University  
GONG Yu-han Liangshan Prefecture Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Xichang 615000, China  
YIN Bi-bo Liangshan Prefecture Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Xichang 615000, China  
ALI La-qu Butuo Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
ZENG Hong Jinyang Center for Disease Control and Provention  
LI A-sha Ganluo Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
ZHANG Yan-bin Yuexi Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
KU Yue-ha Zhaojue Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
LUAN Rong-sheng West China School of Public Health, Sichuan University luan_rs@scu.edu.cn 
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      凉山州少数民族地区商业性行为较少,未采取安全措施的偶遇性行为更为常见[1],且存在多性伴现象[2].为探讨凉山州偶遇性行为对HIV传播的影响,2011年凉山州新增设农村未婚青少年人群综合监测哨点,现将结果分析如下.1.对象与方法:按照户籍登记,选择监测点所在县农村辖区内1872名15~25岁常住农村未婚青少年.按距离县城"较远"和"较近"将调查村分为2个层次,采用分层整群抽样方法各抽取5个村,获得知情同意后,对每县10个村共计400名符合入选条件的调查对象进行问卷调查,并采集5 ml静脉血.使用酶免试剂(ELISA-1)进行HIV抗体初筛检测,初筛阳性者使用另一种酶免试剂(ELISA-2)复检,两次检测结果均呈阳性则判定HIV抗体哨点监测阳性.采用EpiData 3.1软件建立数据库并录入数据,SPSS 18.0软件进行数据的描述和分析.
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