苏畅,王惠君,王志宏,张继国,杜文雯,张伋,翟风英,张兵.中国9省区1991-2009年7~17岁儿童青少年膳食脂肪和胆固醇入状况及变化趋势[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2012,33(12):1208-1212
Current status and trends of both dietary fat and cholesterol jntake among Chinese children and adolescents aged 7 to 17 years old in 9 provinces of China.from 1991 to 2009
Received:June 28, 2012  Revised:June 28, 2012
KeyWord: 脂肪  胆同醇  脂肪供能比  中同居民膳食营养素参考摄人量  儿童青少年
English Key Word: Fat  Cholesterol  Percentage of energy from fat  Chinese Dietary Reference Intakes  Children and adolescents
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
SU Chang Natiollal Institute of Nutrition and Food SaFw。Chinese&nter for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050.China  
WANG Hui-jun Natiollal Institute of Nutrition and Food SaFw。Chinese&nter for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050.China  
WANG zhi-hong Natiollal Institute of Nutrition and Food SaFw。Chinese&nter for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050.China  
ZHANG Ji-guo Natiollal Institute of Nutrition and Food SaFw。Chinese&nter for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050.China  
DU Wen—wen Natiollal Institute of Nutrition and Food SaFw。Chinese&nter for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050.China  
ZHANG ji Natiollal Institute of Nutrition and Food SaFw。Chinese&nter for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050.China  
ZHAl Feng-ying Natiollal Institute of Nutrition and Food SaFw。Chinese&nter for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050.China  
ZHANG Bing Natiollal Institute of Nutrition and Food SaFw。Chinese&nter for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050.China uhangb327@yahoo.com.cn 
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      目的 研究1991-2009年中国9省区儿童青少年膳食脂肪和胆固醇摄人状况及变化趋势+为合理膳食指导提供基础性资料。方法以“中国健康与营养调查”(ClaNS)1991—2009年7轮调查数据为基础.选择连续72 h有完整膳食数据的7~17岁的健康儿童青少年作为研究对象。计算该人群13均脂肪和胆周醇摄人量、脂肪供能比及脂肪食物来源,并与中同居民膳食脂肪适宜摄人量进行比较。结果 调查人群的脂肪和胆同醇摄入量增加,脂肪供能比不断提高.至2009午已分别达到65.8 g/d、240.0me/d和32.O%;脂肪供能比超过30%的人群比例显著增加,至2009年已达到57.0%。结论 中国9省7~17岁儿童青少年膳食结构发生显著变化.脂肪供能比已超过中国居民膳食脂肪参考摄入量的要求,应适当控制高脂肪和胆固醇食物的摄人量。
English Abstract:
      Objective To study the current status and trends of fat and cholesterol intake among Chinese children and adolescents in 9 provinces from l99l to 2009.so as to provide evidence on dietary guidance.Methods Data was collected in l991,l993,1997,2000,2004,2006 and 2009 from the China Health and Nutrition Survey Sample would include 7一l7 years old healthy children and adolescents with a complete 3-day 24-hour-dietary data.Figures on the intakc of fat,cbolesterol, mean percentage of energy from fat and food SOllrce of fat per capita were calculated and compared with the Chinese Dietary Referencc Intakes(DRIs).Results Data showed that.iII 199l一2009,the dietary fats,mean percentage of energy from total fat and intake of cholesterol had all increasing trend in the population of 9 provinces and wcre 65.8 Vd.240.0 mg/d and 32.0%respectively.in 2009.The percentage of population whose mean energy coming from total fat and reached 57.0%in 2009. Conclusion The dietary structure of children and adolescents in Chinese 9 provinces had changed significantly.57.0%of the studied subjects had more than 30%increase of their fat intake exceeding the Chinese DRIs.It was necessary to provide childrell and adolescent with basic knowledge on nutrition.in order to properly control the intake of food rich in fat and cholesterol.
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