周宪君,邱洪斌,徐辉,祝丽玲.145例痉挛型小儿脑性瘫痪危险因素研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2013,34(4):389-392 |
145例痉挛型小儿脑性瘫痪危险因素研究 |
Risk factors related to infantile spastic cerebral palsy among 145 cases |
Received:December 04, 2012 |
DOI: |
KeyWord: 痉挛型脑瘫 危险因素 Logistic回归分析 |
English Key Word: Spastic type of cerebral palsy Risk factors Logistic regression analysis |
FundProject:黑龙江省卫生厅课题(2012-244) |
Hits: 3885 |
Download times: 1369 |
Abstract: |
目的 <\b>筛查痉挛型脑性瘫痪(脑瘫)的危险因素.方法 <\b>采用1∶2病例对照研究,选择2007年12月至2009年5月在黑龙江省小儿脑性瘫痪防治疗育中心就诊的脑瘫患儿145例为病例组,同时按照年龄±3个月及性别、民族相同原则进行匹配,选择同期在佳木斯大学附属第一医院就诊并排除中枢神经系统疾病的290名儿童作为对照组,通过问卷调查获取相关信息,采用条件logistic回归分析筛查危险因素.结果 <\b>单因素条件logistic回归分析共39项因素有统计学意义,多因素logistic回归分析有11项因素与脑瘫发生有关,分别是出生体重过低(<2.5 kg)或过高(>4.0 kg)、母亲大学及以上学历、新生儿出生时肌张力高、皮色青紫、孕期服用解热镇痛药、孕期经历重大事件影响、居室周围环境有污染、新生儿出生时患有颅内出血和出生窒息、宫内窘迫.结论 <\b>新生儿因素与脑瘫发生关系密切,普及孕产期保健知识,加强新生儿管理是减少脑瘫发生的重要措施. |
English Abstract: |
Objective <\b>To study the risk factors related to spastic type of cerebral palsy through a screening program.Methods <\b>With a 1 ∶ 2 matched case-control study design,145 cases were selected from the Cerebral Palsy Treatment and Management Center in Heilongjiang Province from Dec.,2007 through May 2009.Another 290 cases of children as control group were chosen from the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiamusi University,in the same period.Controls were excluded the central nervous system diseases,matching with cases at the age differences no more than 3 months,with same sex and ethnicity.Questionnaire survey was used to access relevant information,while logistic regression analysis was used to screen the risk factors.Results <\b>Data from Single factor logistic regression analysis notified 39 items as statistically significant factors.Through multivariate logistic regression analysis,11 factors in all the cerebral palsy cases,and incidence of cerebral palsy risk factors related to low or high birth weight were discovered as follows:mother with college degree,newborns with high muscle tone,skin color as purple,taking antipyretic analgesics drugs during pregnancy,experience significant events during pregnancy,situation of environment pollution around the house,having intracranial hemorrhage and birth asphyxia,fetal distress during pregnancy or neonatal stage etc.Conclusion <\b>Pre/Nconatal factors were closely related to cerebral palsy,suggesting that health care knowledge be popularized and related management be strengthened,to reduce the cerebral palsy incidence in the newborns. |
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