汤彦,江梅,李德容,关伟杰,梁忆华,李时悦,郑劲平,陈荣昌,钟南山.吸烟相关陛疾病新知识点对临床戒烟实践的影响[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2013,34(12):1169-1172
Association between awareness of smoking-related evidence and smoking cessation treatmentsprovided by hospital chest physicians in Guangzhou。China:a multi-institutional cross-sectionalsurvey
Received:June 09, 2013  
KeyWord: 尼古丁依赖症  吸烟相关疾病新知识点  提供戒烟咨询  呼吸科医师
English Key Word: Nicotine dependence disease  Evidence awareness about negative efiects ofsmoking  Provide smoking cessation advice  Chest physicians
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Tang Yan State Key laboratory of Respiratory Disease,Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease, First Affliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical Uniuersity Guangzhou 510120, China Ytang@yeah.net 
Jiang Mei State Key laboratory of Respiratory Disease,Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease, First Affliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical Uniuersity Guangzhou 510120, China  
Li Derong State Key laboratory of Respiratory Disease,Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease, First Affliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical Uniuersity Guangzhou 510120, China  
Guan Weijie State Key laboratory of Respiratory Disease,Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease, First Affliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical Uniuersity Guangzhou 510120, China  
Liang Yihua Guangzhou Red Cross Hospital  
Li Shiyue State Key laboratory of Respiratory Disease,Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease, First Affliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical Uniuersity Guangzhou 510120, China  
Zheng Jinping State Key laboratory of Respiratory Disease,Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease, First Affliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical Uniuersity Guangzhou 510120, China  
Chen Rongchang State Key laboratory of Respiratory Disease,Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease, First Affliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical Uniuersity Guangzhou 510120, China  
Zhong Nanshan State Key laboratory of Respiratory Disease,Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease, First Affliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical Uniuersity Guangzhou 510120, China  
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      目的 调查尼古丁依赖症相关性疾病的新知识点对广州地区三级医院呼吸内科医师临床戒烟实践的影响。方法 2011年7-8月使用统一问卷对广州地区34所三级医院呼吸内科医师整群抽样做横断面调查,问卷回收率为92.2%。结果 354名呼吸内科医师对尼古丁依赖症的平均知晓率为63。8%,平均参与率为64.5%。按1、2、3级医院分层分析,平均知晓率分别为44.9%、55.1%、87.0%,1级与3级、2级与3级医院差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001),影响知晓率积分的因素与医院级别有关(OR=1.732,95%CI:1.072—2.797,P<0.05)。1、2、3级医院医师戒烟参与率分别为47.6%、45.5%、92.0%,1级与3级、2级与3级医院间差异有统计学意义(POR=3.044(95%CI:1.576。5.881,P=0.001)和OR=4.251(95%CI:1.460~12.380,P=0.008)。对于了解“吸烟可影响支气管哮喘糖皮质激素疗效”等新知识点,1、2级医院均低于3级医院(PP<0.001)。对处方戒烟药物的知晓程度,1、2级医院低于3级医院。结论广州地区三级医院呼吸内科医师,对尼古丁依赖症及吸烟相关疾病新知识点的知晓率和劝诫参与率的差异有统计学意义,各级医院的医师劝诫教育均有待加强。
English Abstract:
      Objective Factors associated with smoking cessation interventions initiated byhospital chest physicians in China had not been studied.We examined if the physicians’awareness ofemerging evidence regarding negative effects of smoking was associated with the initiation of smokingcessation.Methods A cluster randomized cross-sectional survey was conducted from July 201 1 toAugust 2011 in hospital-based chest physicians(n=354)in Guangzhou.China.Results Of thosewho responded(n=354,922%),63.8%were aware of emerging evidence regarding negative effectsof smoking and 64.5%initiated smoking cessation programs with their patients who smoked.Regarding the related awareness on smoking differed across physicians depending on their affiliationto evidence hospitals(x2=54.7,P>O.001),ie primary(44.9%),secondary(55.1%)and tertiaryhospitals(87.0%)was further supposed by the related odds ratio(OR=1.732.95%CI:1.072-2.797.POR=4.251,95%CI:1.460-12.380,P=0.008).Smoking cessation prattlede byphy7sicians also depended on their affiliated hospitalsPhysiciansworkingatprimaryandsecondaryhospitals were less aware of the fact that smoking could reduce patients’responsiveness to inhaled corticosteroids than those working at the tertiary hospitals(x2=37.9,P>0.001).Furthermore,thesephy7sicianswouldlessfrequently prescribedmedication relatedto smoking cessation(x2=137.71.P<0.00 1).Conclusion Physicians who were better aware of the health hazards of smoking might moreactively provide smoking cessation advice in their clinies.The awareness might correlate with thehospital 1evels they worked and the smoking status while the the advice they provided might correlatewith meir educational background,job title,department amliation and smoking status.but not with thelevel ofhospitals.
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