季成叶.中国纳西族儿童青少年营养促进实施状况及其建议[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2014,35(1):19-21
Study on promotion of improvement regarding the nutritional status in Nakhi children and adolescents of Nakhi ethnicity
Received:September 01, 2013  
KeyWord: 营养不良  生长发育  纳西族  儿童青少年  生长迟缓
English Key Word: Malnutition  Growth and development  Nakhi  Children and adolescents  Stunting
Author NameAffiliation
Ji Chengye  
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Download times: 1264
      目的分析25年来纳西族儿童青少年营养状况改善情况,并提出持续改善措施的建议。方法2010年调查云南省丽江市纳西族7~18岁儿童青少年2 635人,以当地汉族乡村同龄人群作为对照,采用WHO一2006标准筛查营养不良。结果2 635名纳西族儿童青少年男女生长迟缓率分别为4.9%和4.7%,消瘦率分别为5.6%和4.6%,合计营养不良率分别为10.5%和9.3%,比对照组分别下降35.2%和44.1%。结论纳西族儿童青少年营养状况显著改善导致旺盛的生长长期趋势。建议针对存在的问题促进膳食多元化,提高疾病防治水平,并改善和加强基层妇幼保健、优生优育等措施。
English Abstract:
      Objective To analyze the improvement of nutrition status in children andadolescents of Nakhi ethnicity.in the last 25 years SO as to put forward further suggestions for improvement.Methods 2 635 Nakhi students aged 7—1 8 years were selected from the 2010 national survey.with a group of Han students from the rural areas were randomly selected as controls.WHO一2006 reference was used to screen the prevalence of malnutrition,and compared with the control group.Results The prevalence rates in the Nakhi male and female students were 4.9%and 4.7%for stunting,5.6%and 4.6%for wasting,and 10.5%and 9.3%fortotal malnutrition,respectively.Changes on secular growth in both Nakhi and Han students in the rural areas were compared and the results showed that the superiority of Nakhi children was the cause for these disparities.Conclusion Nutrition status of the Nakhi children was predicted and an optional future was displayed.Positivefactors for causing these superiorities were summarized.Suggestions were also put forward regarding the formulation of balanced diet,improving the skills on preventive—cure。strengthening the local maternal—child healthcare services and the development of education on better bearing and rearing,etc.
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