颜国利,方建群,张朝霞,冯丽平,吴锦荣,马馥荔,陈诗祺,赵冉然,王颖丽,王志忠.宁夏生态移民地区儿童行为问题现况调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2014,35(2):142-146
A cross-sectional survey on behavior problems among eco-migrant children of Hui and Han in Ningxia, China
Received:June 04, 2013  
KeyWord: 儿童行为问题  生态移民  现况调查
English Key Word: Children behavior problems  Eco-migrant  Cross-sectional survey
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Yan Guoli Department of Psychosomatic Medicine,Affliated Hospital of Ningxia Medical University  
Fang Jianqun Department of Psychosomatic Medicine,Affliated Hospital of Ningxia Medical University Email:fjq-7887@ 163.com 
Zhang Zhaoxia Department of Psychosomatic Medicine,Affliated Hospital of Ningxia Medical University  
Feng Liping Department of Psychosomatic Medicine,Affliated Hospital of Ningxia Medical University  
Wu Jinrong Yinchuan People's Hospital
Ma Fuli Department of Psychosomatic Medicine,Affliated Hospital of Ningxia Medical University  
Chen Shiqi Department of Psychosomatic Medicine,Affliated Hospital of Ningxia Medical University  
Zhao Ranran Department of Psychosomatic Medicine,Affliated Hospital of Ningxia Medical University  
Wang Yingli Department of Psychosomatic Medicine,Affliated Hospital of Ningxia Medical University  
Wang Zhizhong College of Public Health, Ningxia Medical University  
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      目的 调查生态移民地区儿童行为问题现况及其相关因素。方法 采用多阶段抽样方法抽取宁夏生态移民地区儿童2 653名、移居地儿童3 174名和原居地儿童2 334名。由家长完成Achenbach行为问题量表和自编生态移民儿童行为问题相关因素问卷。结果 生态移民儿童行为问题检出率为28.8%(765人),原居地儿童为24.2%(564人),移居地儿童为19.3%(611人),差异有统计学意义(X2=73.547,P<0.012 5)。生态迁移影响回族儿童行为包括6—11岁男童交往不良、抑郁、强迫、违纪、攻击性因子,12~16岁男童交往不良因子,女童不成熟性多动、违纪、攻击性行为和残忍因子。生态迁移对汉、回两族儿童行为问题共同的影响因素及其OR值(95%CI)分别为剖宫产出生[1.863(1.144~3.035),2.979(2.067~4.293)]、儿童生理缺陷[1.730(1.087~2.751),2.552(1.649~3.950)]、家庭收入以耕种土地为主[1.272(1.066~1.518),1.212(1.033~1.422)]、父母文化程度初中以上[0.709(0.539~0.932),0.698(0.542—0.898)]、父母愉快时间较多[0.710(o.613~0.82I),0.826(0.718~0.949)];而生长过程中有重大疾病[1.794(1.163~2.767)]、父母患有慢性疾病或残疾[1.463(1.061—2.016)]仅影响汉族儿童;单亲家庭或重组家庭[1.583(1.078~2.325)]、父母经常饮酒[1.557(1.019~2.379)]、父母外出工作半年以上[1.494(1.197~1.864)]、父母对移居后生活满意度较高[0.813(0.700~0.945)]、儿童年龄较大[0.939(0.889~0.991)]仅影响回族儿童。结论 生态移民地区儿童心理健康状况较差,回族儿童心理健康受生态迁移影响较大,回、汉两族儿童行为问题的影响因素存在较大差异。
English Abstract:
      Objective To investigate the detection rate and correlates of behavioral problems among eco-migrant children in Hui and Han ethnicities. Methods Using multistage randomized sampling method, 2 653 eco-migrant teenagers, 3 174 indigenous and 2 334 homeland peers were selected. Their parents were asked to finish the Achenbach's Child Behavior Checklist(CBCL) and a self-developed correlates questionnaire. Results 765 eco-migrant children with behavioral problems were detected, with detection rate as 28.8%,higher than that of homeland group (24.2%)and native group(19.3%)(x z=73.547,P<0.012 5). Ecological migration mainly influenced factors as bad contacts, depression, obsessive-compulsive, discipline, attack for boys aged 6-11,bad contacts for boys aged 12-16 and extraversion behavioral problems for girls aged 12-16, in Hui. These factors both associated to eco-migrant children's behavioral problems in Hui and Han: cesarean section ( OR=1.863,95% Cl: 1.I44-3.035,for Han) and (OR=2.979, 95%CI: 2.067-4.293,for Hui ),physical defects ( OR=1.730 , 95%CI: 1.087-2.751,for Han) and (OR=2.552, 95%CI: 1.649-3.950, for Hui), arable as a main income way ( OR=1.272 , 95% CI: 1.066-1.518 , for Han ) and ( OR=1.212, 95%CI: 1.033-1.422, for Hui),parents' education level above middle school (OR=0.709, 95% CI: 0.539-0.932, for Han) and (OR=0.698, 95%CI: 0.542-0.898, for Hui),parents' frequently in good mood (OR=0.710, 95%CI: 0.613-0.821,for Han) and (OR=0.826, 95%CI: 0.718-0.949, for Hui). However, major diseases in the process of growth (OR=1.794, 95%CI: 1.163-2.767),and parents with chronic illness or disahility(OR=1.463, 95%CI: 1.061-2.016) only associated with that in Han; single-parent or remarried families ( OR=1.583,95% CI: 1.078-2.325),parents often drinking ( OR=1.557 , 95% Cl: 1.019- 2.379 ),the time of parents' work longer than half a year ( OR=1.494, 95% CI: 1.197-1.864 ),parents' more content to life now ( OR=0.813,95% CI;0.700-0.945),and children in older age ( OR=0.939, 95%C1: 0.889-0.991)only related to that in Hui. Conclusion The eco-migrant children showed a low state in mental health, especially among Hui peers, and the correlated factors were different in Han and Hui, which was supposed to get great importance when taking effective intervention.
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