陈芳芳,滕红红,滕越,王文鹏,赵娟,武明辉,张雪,米杰.北京城区1996--2010年多胎妊娠变化趋势及妊娠结局[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2014,35(3):276-279
Trend and outcome of multiple pregnancies in Beijing,1996-2010
Received:September 30, 2013  Revised:June 01, 2012
KeyWord: 胎妊娠  并发症  变化趋势
English Key Word: Multiple pregnancy  Complications  Trend
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Chen Fangfang Department ofidemiology, Capital Institute ofPediatrics, Beng 100020, China jiemi@vip.163.com 
Teng Hongho Department ofidemiology, Capital Institute ofPediatrics, Beng 100020, China  
Teag Yue Haidian Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital  
Wang Wenpeng Department ofidemiology, Capital Institute ofPediatrics, Beng 100020, China  
Zhao Juan Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Medical University  
Wu Minghui Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Medical University  
Zhang Xue Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Medical University  
Mi Jie Department ofidemiology, Capital Institute ofPediatrics, Beng 100020, China  
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      目的描述1996--2010年北京市多胎妊娠变化趋势,比较单胎和多胎妊娠产妇娠并发症发生率的差异。方法以1996--2000、2005和2010年北京妇产医院和北京市海淀区妇幼保健院分娩的活产儿为研究对象,采用病例回顾分析的方法进行分析。采集项目包括产妇年龄、胎数、分娩方式、是否患有妊娠高血压、妊娠糖尿病、妊娠贫血、新生儿性别、出生体重、孕周等。_l{;生体重及率的趋势分析采用线性回归直线拟合来评价。组间率的比较采用f检验。结果研究对象包括63 661名活产新生儿和62 895名产妇(其中单胎产妇62 135名,多胎妊娠且胎儿均为活产产妇751名)。1996--2010年多胎妊娠发生率呈增加趋势,平均每年增加0.02%(P<0.05);多胎妊娠剖宫产率平均每年增加2.25%(P<0.01);15年来多胎和单胎新生儿出生体重总体变化趋势不明显,2000年以前单胎儿出生体重呈增加趋势,平均每年增加23.7 g(P<0.001);低出生体重发生率变化不明显;早产发生率多胎儿平均每年增加1.62%(P<0.05),单胎儿略呈增加趋势,平均每年增加0.16%(P<0.05)。此期间单胎儿平均出生体重为>3 250 g,多胎JL<2 500 g;多胎儿低出生体重率和早产率显著高于单胎儿;多胎妊娠产妇的剖宫产率明显高于单胎产妇。多胎妊娠产妇的妊娠高血压、妊娠贫血的发生率(44%和11.2%)明显高于单胎妊娠产妇(12.8%和23.2%),妊娠糖尿病发生率差异无统计学意义。结论1995--2010年北京市多胎妊娠率明显增加。多胎妊娠产妇较之单胎妊娠产妇更易于发生妊娠高血压、妊娠贫血。
English Abstract:
      Objective To describe the trend of multiple pregnancies and to compare the Results with single pregnancy in Beijing from 1996 to 2010.Prevalence rates ofpregnancy complications were compared between multiple and single pregnancies.Methods In 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000, 2005.20 1 0.1ive births in two hospitals in Beijing were included to describe the n_end of multiple and single pregnancy.Case-retrospective analyses were used.Information was collected,including maternal age,fetus number,delivery mode,with/without pregnancy induceddiseases as hypertension, diabetes or anemia,gender of the baby,birth-weight and gestation etc.Linear regression analyses were applied to assess the trend of birth-weight and the rates of prevalence.Results 63 66 1 babies and 62 895 puerperal were involved in this study.From 1996 to 2010,prevalence of multiple pregnancies increased by O.02%.prevalence of cesarean delivery among multiple pregnancy women increased by 2,25%and the proportion of women older than 30 years increased by 3.52%and 2.89%among multiple or single pregnancy womell,annually.However,the birth·weight did not show obviouschange in both multiple and single bi J"th babies.No obvious change was observed in the prevalence of low birth weight.Prevalence rates of premature birth increased by 1.62%and 0.1 6%among multiple and single pregnancy women,annually.From 1996 to 2010,the mean values of birth.weight among single birth babies were larger than 3 250 grams and under 2 500 gram among multiple birth babies. Rates of prevalence On pregnanc3,induced hypertension and anemia were higher in multiple pregnancy women than in single pregnancy women.Differences of rates on prevalence rates of pregnancy diabetes between multiple and single prcgnancy women were not statistically significant. Conclusion Prevalence of multiple pmgnancies increased from 1995 to 2010 in Beijing.Mothers of multiples were more likely to get pregnancy complication than the single pregnancy women.
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