潘恩春,张芹,杨芳影,胡伟,许秋瑾,梁存珍,何源,王闯.江苏省淮安市农村饮用水挥发性有机物污染现状及与人群健康关系的研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2014,35(10):1105-1108
Study on of the current status of volatile organic compounds pollution in typical rural drinking water and the relationship between its concentration and health of the population,in Huai’an,Jiangsu
Received:June 17, 2014  
KeyWord: 饮用水  挥发性有机物  农村居民  淮河下游
English Key Word: Drinking water  Volatile organic compounds  Rural residents  Basin of Huaihe River
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Pan Enchun Huai'an Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Huai'an 223001, China xuqj@craes.org.cn 
Zhang Qin Huai'an Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Huai'an 223001, China  
Yang Fangying Wannan Medical College  
Hu Wei Huai'an Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Huai'an 223001, China  
Xu Qiujin Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science  
Liang Cunzhen Department of Environmental Engineering, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology  
He Yuan Huai'an Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Huai'an 223001, China  
Wang Chuang Huai'an Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Huai'an 223001, China  
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      目的 为了解淮安市淮河两岸农村饮用水中主要挥发性有机物(VOCs)的污染现状,并探讨其与肿瘤发病死亡的关系。方法 选择淮安市沿淮河分布的盱眙、金湖、楚州县﹙区﹚14个乡镇28 个村,于2010 年11-12 月枯水期分别采集沟塘水、浅层井水、深层井水水样,测定常见VOCs含量,按照GB 5749-2006《生活饮用水卫生标准》中特定项目标准限值对监测结果进行评价。结果 76 份枯水期水样中,二氯甲烷、三氯甲烷、苯、四氯化碳检出率均100%,超标率分别为0%、3.95%、21.05%、22.37%;3 种水样中三氯甲烷、四氯化碳和苯超标率的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。相关分析显示,水样中苯含量与肿瘤发病率呈正相关(r=0.24,P<0.05)。健康风险评估结果,三氯甲烷、四氯化碳、苯部分水样风险值超过10-6,超标率分别为28.95%、22.37%、64.47%,3 种水样风险值超标情况的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 淮河流域农村居民饮用水中VOCs污染严重,并与当地居民肿瘤发病相关联。
English Abstract:
      Objective This study was to understand the status of pollution on drinking water,by volatile organic compounds(VOCs),among rural residents living in the basin of Huaihe River. Relationship between the morbidity,morbidity of cancers and VOCs were also explored. Methods 28 villages were chosen from Xuyi,Jinhu,Chuzhou along the Huaihe River,with water samples collected from ditch pond water,shallow wells,deep wells in November-December 2010. VOCs indicators were evaluated according to the Standard Quality GB 5749-2006 for Drinking Water.Results Methylene chloride,chloroform,benzene and carbon tetrachloride were all detected in 76 water samples. The rates of chloroform,benzene,carbon tetrachloride which exceeding the quality standards were 3.95% ,21.05% and 22.37% ,but no significant differences were found among these three water resources in chloroform,benzene or carbon tetrachloride. Results from the correlation analysis showed that benzene had positive correlation with tumor deaths(r=0.24,P<0.05). Results from the risk assessment on health showed that some chloroform,benzene,carbon tetrachloride products which were related to the risks of cancers were exceeding the acceptable ranges of risk,with the rates as 28.95%,22.37% and 64.47% but with no significant differences among the three water resources(P>0.05). Conclusion Drinking waters for rural residents along the Huaihe River were polluted while VOCs might have related to tumor incidence with potential impact and risk to the health of local residents.
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