傅伟杰,胡茂红,刘晓青,谢昀,熊英,潘欢弘.江西省3例H10N8禽流感病毒感染者回顾性分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2014,35(10):1131-1134
Retrospective analysis of human avian influenza A(H10N8) virus infection in Jiangxi province
Received:June 30, 2014  
KeyWord: 人感染H10N8禽流感病毒  流行病学  回顾性分析
English Key Word: Human infection with avian influenza A (H10N8) virus  Epidemiology  Retrospective analysis
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Fu Weijie1 1 Jiangxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanchang 330029, China

2 Nanchang Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Hu Maohong2 1 Jiangxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanchang 330029, China

2 Nanchang Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Liu Xiaoqing1 1 Jiangxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanchang 330029, China

2 Nanchang Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Xie Yun1 1 Jiangxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanchang 330029, China

2 Nanchang Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Xiong Ying1 1 Jiangxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanchang 330029, China

2 Nanchang Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Pan Huanhong1 1 Jiangxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanchang 330029, China

2 Nanchang Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention
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      目的 分析和探讨江西省H10N8 禽流感病毒感染患者的感染来源。方法 采用江西省2013 年底及2014 年年初报告的H10N8 禽流感病毒感染患者的流行病学个案调查资料和相关标本检测结果进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 3 例H10N8 感染患者均由重症肺炎监测发现,其中2 例死亡,1 例病程超过6 个月;发病前均有活禽或活禽市场暴露史;3 例患者的含漱液或下呼吸道抽吸液标本经南昌市及江西省疾病预防控制中心检测,结果显示为甲型流感2009pdmH1、H3、H5、H7、H9 等亚型阴性,患者1 和患者2 的标本为甲型流感通用引物阳性,患者3 的标本为H10 阳性。3 份标本经国家流感中心进行检测,结果显示为H10N8 阳性。33 名密切接触者在1 周的观察期内未出现流感样症状;患者暴露活禽市场环境监测标本中H10N8 禽流感病毒RT-PCR检测阳性率为5.19%;落实各项防控措施后,无新发患者。结论 江西省3 例H10N8 禽流感病毒感染患者可能与暴露于活禽市场有关。
English Abstract:
      Objective To analyze and discuss the source and epidemic disposition of human infection with avian influenza A(H10N8)virus. Methods Epidemiological surveys were used to collect related data and RT-PCR was applied to detect the specimens collected from cases,close contacts related exposure to live poultry markets. Data were analyzed descriptively. Results Three cases were discovered by surveillance on patients with severe pneumonia,two of the three died,but one in the hospital with the course over 6 months. All the three cases had histories of exposure to live poultry or related markets. Lower respiratory tract gargle aspirate samples of 3 patients were detected by Nanchang Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)and Jiangxi Provincial CDC,and the results showed the influenza 2009pdmH1,H3,H5,H7,H9 subtypes negative. Specimen of patient 1 and 2 was positive for influenza A universal primers. Specimen of patient 3 was positive for H10N8 detected by Chinese National Influenza Center. All 33 close contacts of the patients were negative for H10N8 virus. Positive rate of the total poultry environmental specimens collected from the cases exposure markets was 5.19% . No new cases were found,after the prevention and control messages were implemented. Conclusion Three cases of H10N8 avian influenza virus infection province might be associated with exposure to live poultry market in Jiangxi.
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