向伦辉,周伟忠,汤奋扬,朱叶飞,谈忠鸣,刘晓勇,鲍萌,刁曼,施国庆.江苏省一起人间布鲁氏菌病暴发的调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2014,35(10):1135-1137
An outbreak of brucellosis in a village in Jiangsu province
Received:June 13, 2014  
KeyWord: 布鲁氏菌病  暴发  危险因素
English Key Word: Brucellosis  Outbreak  Risk factors
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Xiang Lunhui Baoshan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai 201901, China
Chinese Field Epidemiology Training Program, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention 
Zhou Weizhong Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
Tang Fenyang Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention tfyepi@163.com 
Zhu Yefei Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
Tan Zhongming Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
Liu Xiaoyong Suining Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
Bao Meng Suining Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
Diao Man Suining Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
Shi Guoqing Chinese Field Epidemiology Training Program, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention  
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      目的 查明2014 年江苏省某村一起布鲁氏菌病(布病)暴发原因和感染危险因素,以采取有效控制措施。方法 对该村直接从事羊只屠宰、交易等从业人员进行流行病学调查和实验室检测。结果 共调查从业人员129 人,18 例布病血清学阳性,其中7 例为确诊病例,11 例为隐性感染者,该村从业人员布鲁氏菌感染率为14%。该村约90%羊只来源于北方布病高发疫区。从业人员工作时89%从不戴口罩、84%从不穿工作服、70%不戴手套。危险因素分析显示,工作时不戴手套(RR=7.4,95%CI:1.1~53.0)、手部有伤口(RR=3.4,95%CI:1.1~11.0)增加感染布病的风险。结论 因外地未经严格检疫的病羊大量输入,且当地从业人员在屠宰和交易过程中缺乏有效防护导致此次布病人间暴发。
English Abstract:
      Objective To investigate the cause and related risk factors of an outbreak caused by Brucellosis. Methods Epidemiological investigation and laboratory test were carried out among occupationally invloved population including sheep slaughters and sellers in the village. Results 18 people were serology positive among the 129 occupationally involved persons under survey. Seven of them were confirmed cases,11 were latent infection,to make the overall attack rate as 14%. 90% of the sheep were from high-risk areas of Brucella. Among the occupationally involved persons,89% of them never wore face masks,84% never wear overalls and 70% never wear gloves. Factors as:work but wearing no gloves(RR=7.4,95%CI:1.1-53.0),with hand wound(RR=3.4,95%CI:1.1-11.0) could increase the risk of Brucella infection. Conclusion The cause of this outbreak was due to the plentiful influx of unchecked sheep from the northern part of China and the employees in the process of sheep slaughtering or trading were lack of effective prevention programs.
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