高欣,叶鹏鹏,耳玉亮,王临虹,邓晓,汪媛,金叶,纪翠蓉,杨超,段蕾蕾.2006-2013年全国伤害监测系统中因暴力就诊病例特征分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2015,36(1):3-6
Analysis on the characteristics of violence based on data from the Chinese National Injury Surveillance System from 2006 to 2013
Received:October 08, 2014  
KeyWord: 伤害  监测  暴力
English Key Word: Injury  Surveillance  Violence
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Gao Xin National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050, China  
Ye Pengpeng National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050, China  
Er Yuliang National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050, China  
Wang Linhong National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050, China  
Deng Xiao National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050, China  
Wang Yuan National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050, China  
Jin Ye National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050, China  
Ji Cuirong National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050, China  
Yang Chao National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050, China  
Duan Leilei National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050, China leileiduan@vip.sina.com 
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      目的 了解全国伤害监测暴力门/急诊病例的分布特征, 为制定相关政策提供依据. 方法 利用全国伤害监测系统(NISS)2006-2013年监测数据, 分析暴力病例占伤害病例构成趋势、人口社会学特征、暴力事件基本情况及临床信息构成情况. 结果 2006-2013年暴力病例占所有伤害病例的比例呈下降趋势;2013年暴力病例50 333人, 男性36 049人, 女性14 284人, 暴力病例文化程度为初中和高中者分别占41.2%和27.3%;24.0%的暴力发生时间是在22:00至次日02:59;0~4岁组及≥65岁组暴力发生在家中的比例分别为30.2%和28.5%, 高于其他年龄组. 结论 暴力的干预应同时关注针对女性和男性的暴力, 重视家庭暴力中虐待儿童和老年人的问题, 进一步普及高等教育, 鼓励居民在22:00前入睡.
English Abstract:
      Objective To understand the characteristics of victims under violence that were enrolled from clinic and emergency room of the hospitals, to provide basis for the development of violence prevention strategies. Methods Data from the National Injury Surveillance Program between 2006 and 2013 were used to analyze:1)trend of violence proportion in injuries, 2) socio- demographic characteristics of the cases, 3)basic and clinic information on related violence. Results The proportion of victims of violence decreased during the past 8 years. The number of violence related cases in 2013 was 50 333, including 36 049 males and 14 284 females. Most cases had educational levels as junior (41.2%) or senior high schools (27.3%). 24.0% of the violence occurred between 22:00 PM and 02:59 AM. The proportions of domestic violence were 30.2% in the 0-4 age group and 28.5% in the 65- age group, both were higher than in the other age groups. Conclusion Interventions on violence including children abuse and elderly abuse should be paid attention to.
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