管理,郝碧波,刘天俐,程绮瑾,叶兆辉,朱廷劭.新浪微博用户中自杀死亡和无自杀意念者特征差异的研究[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2015,36(5):421-425
A pilot study of differences in behavioral and linguistic characteristics between Sina suicide microblog users and Sina microblog users without suicide idea
Received:November 14, 2014  
KeyWord: 自杀  微博  网络行为  文本分析  社交媒体
English Key Word: Suicide  Microblog  Microblog use behavior  Text analysis  Social media
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Guan Li Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 
Hao Bibo University of Chinese Academy of Sciences  
Liu Tianli Institute of Population Research, Peking University  
Cheng Qijin Hong Kong Jockey Club Center for Suicide Research and Prevention, the University of Hong Kong  
Yip Paul Siu Fai Hong Kong Jockey Club Center for Suicide Research and Prevention, the University of Hong Kong  
Zhu Tingshao Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China tszhu@psych.ac.cn 
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      目的 探讨新浪微博用户中自杀死亡与无自杀意念者行为和语言特征的差异。方法 经新浪微博认证用户提供的信息, 收集31名网络识别自杀死亡用户(自杀死亡组);邀请微博用户填写自杀意念相关筛查量表, 收集30名无自杀意念用户(对照组)。比较两组用户在10种微博行为和88种语言特征方面的差异。结果 (1)行为特征中, 自杀死亡组的微博链接率(链接微博数与公开微博总数的比值)和微博互动率(平均每篇微博@其他用户的次数)均低于对照组[0.04(0.04) vs. 0.06(0.04), P=0.029;0.60(0.27) vs. 0.69(0.18), P=0.028], 自我关注程度(平均每篇公开微博使用的第一人称单数次数)高于对照组[0.47(0.25) vs. 0.30(0.10), P=0.010];(2)语言特征中, 自杀死亡组在数量单位词、工作词、省略号使用率低于对照组(均P<0.05), 在代名词、特定人称代名词、第三人称单数、非特定人称代名词、社会历程词、焦虑词、排除词、性词、宗教词、第二人称单数、人类词、消极情绪词、愤怒词、悲伤词和死亡词的使用率均高于对照组(均P<0.05)。结论 自杀死亡用户的微博互动更少, 更加关注自我, 更频繁地使用表达排除意义的词语, 从情感层面上有更多负性表达, 使用更多与死亡、宗教相关而更少与工作相关的表达。这些特点对开展针对网络用户的自杀学研究有重要启示。
English Abstract:
      Objective To investigate how suicide microblog users in China "act" and "speak" differently from other microblog users without suicide idea. Methods The suicide group consisted of 31 Chinese microblog users identified as suicide via online information provided by a Sina microblog user, and the control group consisted of 30 active microblog users without suicide idea screened by using suicide-related psychological scales. The differences in 10 microblog use behavioral characteristics and 88 linguistic characteristics between the suicide group and the control group were compared with normality test and rank sum test respectively. Results In the behavioral characteristics, the suicide group used hyperlinks and "@" less frequently than the control group [0.04 (0.04) vs. 0.06 (0.04), P=0.029;0.60 (0.27) vs. 0.69 (0.18), P=0.028], and was more self-focused [0.47 (0.25) vs. 0.30 (0.10), P=0.010]. In the linguistic characteristics, the suicide group showed less frequency in using measure word, work related word and apostrophe than the control group (P<0.05), and showed more frequency in using pronoun, personal pronoun, third person singular, non-specific pronoun, word expressing social experience, word expressing anxiety, word expressing exclusion, sexual word, religious word, second person singular, human being related word, negative emotion related word, anger related word, sadness or death related word (P<0.05). Conclusion Suicides seemed to interact less with others, showed more self-concern and more negative expressions, use more cognitively exclusive, death-related, religion-related words, and use less work-related words. The results of this study might be helpful for the research on suicide among netizen.
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