秦晨曦,余灿清,杜怀东,郭彧,卞铮,吕筠,周汇燕,谭云龙,陈君石,陈铮鸣,李立明.中国10个地区成年人食物摄入频率特征差异的分析[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2015,36(9):911-916
Differences in diet intake frequency of adults:findings from half a million people in 10 areas in China
Received:February 13, 2015  
KeyWord: 膳食  频率  地区差异  现况调查
English Key Word: Diet  Frequency  Area specific difference  Cross-sectional study
FundProject:国家自然科学基金(81390541,81390544); 香港Kadoorie Charitable 基金; 英国Wellcome Trust(088158/Z/09/Z); 国家科技支撑计划(2011BAI09B01)
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Qin Chenxi Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing 100191, China  
Yu Canqing Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing 100191, China  
Du Huaidong University of Oxford  
Guo Yu Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences  
Bian Zheng Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences  
Lyu Jun Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing 100191, China  
Zhou Huiyan Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences  
Tan Yunlong Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences  
Chen Junshi National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment of China  
Chen Zhengming University of Oxford  
Li Liming Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing 100191, China
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences 
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      目的 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)项目10个地区人群食物摄入频率特征的地区差异。方法 CKB项目于2004-2008年在城市和农村各5个地区募集自愿参加的30~79岁常住居民进入队列并完成基线调查。本研究分析10个项目地区中512 891名30~79岁队列成员12组食物的摄入频率,描述各食物组摄入频率特征的地区差异。结果 南方城市(99.0%)和南方农村(99.9%)人群每天摄入的谷类食物以大米为主,北方农村(99.0%)和北方城市如青岛(88.4%)人群则以面食为主。河南人群每天摄入杂粮人群比例最高(98.8%)。甘肃人群每天摄入新鲜蔬菜比例最低(74.0%)。在南方城市人群每天摄入新鲜水果、腌制蔬菜、肉类及其制品比例高于农村地区,北方也存在相同现象。北方城市(37.1%)和农村(14.6%)人群每天摄入蛋类及其制品高于南方城市(6.5%)和农村(6.9%)。北方城市地区人群每天摄入豆制品、乳类及其制品比例最高,其中哈尔滨人群每天摄入豆制品比例最高(10.0%),青岛人群每天摄入乳类及其制品比例最高(34.3%)。结论 CKB项目研究人群谷类食物、蛋类及其制品、豆制品摄入频率存在南北差异,肉类及其制品、家禽及其制品、水产/海产品、新鲜水果、腌制蔬菜、乳类及其制品摄入频率存在城乡差异。
English Abstract:
      Objective To describe the differences in diet intake frequency of adults in 10 areas surveyed by China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB) project. Methods CKB project recruited voluntary residents aged 30-79 years from 5 urban areas and 5 rural areas in China. The baseline survey was conducted among 512 891 eligible subjects during 2004-2008. The intake frequencies of 12 food groups were assessed through in-person interviews and analyzed. The results were adjusted for age and sex structure of the study population. Results Rice was the main cereal consumed every day in urban areas (99.0%) and rural areas (99.9%) in southern China,while wheat was the main cereal consumed every day in rural areas (99.0%) and Qingdao (88.4%) in northern China. Most subjects in Henan (98.8%) consumed other staple food every day. The lowest proportion of daily intake of fresh vegetables was observed in Gansu(74.0%). In both southern and northern areas,urban subjects had higher proportions of daily intakes of fresh fruits,preserved vegetables,and meat than rural subjects. Similar results were found when comparing the proportions of intakes of poultry and fish/seafood at least 1 day every week. Contrast to southern China (urban:6.5%,rural:6.9%),the proportions of daily intake of fresh eggs were higher in both urban areas (37.1%) and rural areas (14.6%) in northern China. The highest proportions of daily intake of soybean products and dairy products were observed in Harbin (10.0%) and Qingdao (34.3%). Conclusion The intake of cereal,fresh eggs and soybean products differed between the south and the north of China. The intake of meat,poultry,fish/seafood,fresh fruits,preserved vegetables and dairy products varied considerably between urban areas and rural areas.
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