张颖,苏旭,陈伟,费春楠,郭丽茹,吴小丽,周宁,郭玉婷,董晓春,赵莹,王浩武,潘雍,左丽娟.一起天津市集体单位内新型冠状病毒肺炎聚集性疫情流行病学调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2020,41(5):648-652
Epidemiological investigation on a cluster epidemic of COVID-19 in a collective workplace in Tianjin
Received:February 19, 2020  
KeyWord: 新型冠状病毒肺炎  聚集性疫情  流行病学调查
English Key Word: COVID-19  Cluster epidemic  Epidemiological investigation
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Zhang Ying Tianjin Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, Tianjin 300011, China  
Su Xu Tianjin Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, Tianjin 300011, China  
Chen Wei Tianjin Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, Tianjin 300011, China tjcdc@126.com 
Fei Chunnan Tianjin Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, Tianjin 300011, China  
Guo Liru Tianjin Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, Tianjin 300011, China  
Wu Xiaoli Tianjin Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, Tianjin 300011, China  
Zhou Ning Tianjin Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, Tianjin 300011, China  
Guo Yuting Tianjin Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, Tianjin 300011, China  
Dong Xiaochun Tianjin Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, Tianjin 300011, China  
Zhao Ying Tianjin Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, Tianjin 300011, China  
Wang Haowu Hedong District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Tianjin 300151, China  
Pan Yong Hebei District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Tianjin 300150, China  
Zuo Lijuan Hebei District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Tianjin 300150, China  
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      目的 对天津市一起新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)聚集性疫情进行详细调查和分析,旨在为COVID-19的流行病学特征提供更多证据,并对前期基于有限证据和经验实施的防控措施进行评估。方法 采用描述性研究方法对一起发生在集体单位内的聚集性病例进行三间分布及其他流行病学特征描述。结果 自第一例指示病例于1月15日发病后,该单位相继发现10例确诊病例,且疫情从单位传播到4个家庭内,致7人发病。17例病例年龄中位数为55(19~79)岁;其中10例职工病例全部为男性,7例家庭聚集病例中男性3例,女性4例。职工病例中,8例办公地点在CW车间,2例在行政办公楼。病例的暴露-发病间隔中位数为4 d,其中职工病例暴露-发病间隔中位数为4.5 d,家庭聚集病例为4 d。初期发病未实施隔离措施的病例发病-就诊间隔中位数为4 d,发病期间开始居家隔离的病例发病-就诊间隔中位数为2.5 d,发病前开始居家隔离的病例发病-就诊间隔中位数为0.5 d。结论 COVID-19传播过程中存在单位和家庭聚集性,在疫情发生初期,准确、迅速的采取封控措施完全可以阻止COVID-19聚集性疫情的大范围扩散。
English Abstract:
      Objective To investigate and analysis the epidemiological characteristics of a cluster epidemic of COIVD-19 in a collective workplace in Tianjin, evduate the prevention and control measures based on limited evidence and experience in early period of COVID-19 epidemic. Methods Descriptive research method was used to describe the distribution and other epidemiological characteristics of the cluster cases of COVID-19. Results Since the onset of the first index case on January 15, ten confirmed COVID-19 cases had occurred in the workplace, and the epidemic had spread from the workplace to 4 families, infecting 7 family members. The median age of 17 cases was 55 (19-79) years. All the 10 employee cases were males, and in the family cases, 3 were males and 4 were females. Of the employee cases, 8 worked in CW workshop and 2 worked in administrative office building. The median exposure-onset interval of all the cases was 4 days, and the median exposure-onset interval was 4.5 days in the employee cases and 4 days in the family cases. The median onset-medical care seeking interval was 4 days in the non-isolated cases, 2.5 days in the cases with home isolation after onset, and 0.5 day in the cases with home isolation before onset. Conclusions The clustering of COVID-19 cases was observed in this workplace in Tianjin, which affected 4 families. In the early stage of the epidemic, accurate and rapid blocking and control measures can completely prevent the large-scale spread of COVID-19.
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