唐卫明,吕繁.开展HIV自我检测的应用性研究,推动我国艾滋病防治目标的全面实现[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2021,42(2):215-218
Conducting implementation research of HIV self-testing for overall achievement of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment goal in China
Received:June 28, 2020  
KeyWord: 艾滋病病毒/艾滋病  自我检测  应用科学
English Key Word: HIV/AIDS  Self-testing  Applied research
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Tang Weiming Dermatology Hospital of Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510095, China
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Project-China, Guangzhou 510095, China 
Lyu Fan National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 102206, China fanlv@chinaaids.cn 
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      当前我国艾滋病防治形势依然严峻。虽然我国在扩大HIV检测、促进HIV感染者发现方面取得了长足的进展,但仍有大量的HIV感染者尚未被发现,影响了我国艾滋病总体防治目标的实现。我国需要在开展常规HIV检测的同时进一步推广HIV自我检测(自检),并将其作为常规检测模式的补充,扩大HIV检测覆盖率和促进HIV感染者发现。本重点号综述了目前全球推广使用HIV自检的总体情况,报告我国MSM 2013-2018年HIV自检的变化情况,比较不同的自检模式在促进重点人群进行HIV/梅毒检测中的作用,以期为我国进一步开展HIV自检的应用性研究提供科学依据,推进我国艾滋病防治总体目标的实现。
English Abstract:
      The current situation of AIDS prevention and control is still challenging in China. Although China has made great progress in expanding HIV testing and promoting case identification, there are still a large number of HIV-infected individuals who have not been identified, which might influence the overall achievement of the goal of HIV/AIDS prevention and control. Thus, China needs to further promote self-testing while conducting routine HIV testing and use it as a supplement to further expand HIV testing coverage. The articles in this issue focus on the global situation of HIV self-testing services, reports the changes of self-testing among MSM in China from 2013 to 2018, and compares the effects of different HIV/syphilis self-testing models in promoting HIV/syphilis testing in key populations in order to achieve the overall goal of AIDS prevention and control in China.
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