商伟静,刘民.2000-2019年中国青少年结核病流行情况及变化趋势[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2024,45(1):78-86
Epidemic trend of tuberculosis in adolescents in China, 2000-2019
Received:July 26, 2023  
KeyWord: 青少年  结核病  流行  疾病负担
English Key Word: Adolescent  Tuberculosis  Epidemiology  Disease burden
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Shang Weijing Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing 100191, China  
Liu Min Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing 100191, China liumin@bjmu.edu.cn 
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      目的 分析2000-2019年我国青少年结核病的流行状况及变化趋势。方法 利用2019年全球疾病负担研究数据,分析中国10~19岁青少年结核病的流行现状;利用年估计变化百分比(EAPC)来分析2000-2019年间青少年结核病发病率和死亡率的变化趋势。结果 2019年我国青少年结核病的发病数和死亡数分别为37 815.670例(发病率为25.938/10万)和213.629例(死亡率为0.147/10万),相比2000年分别下降了71.84%和89.90%;2019年男性发病数(21 371.747例)是女性(16 443.923例)的1.30倍,15~19岁年龄组的发病数(30 420.054例)是10~14年龄组(7 395.616例)的4.11倍;2000-2019年,青少年结核病的发病率(EAPC=-3.95,95%CI:-4.34~-3.55)和死亡率(EAPC=-9.18,95%CI:-9.33~-9.02)均呈下降趋势,药物敏感性结核病、广泛耐药结核病和耐多药结核病的发病率和死亡率均呈下降趋势。结论 2000-2019年,我国青少年结核病及不同亚型结核病的发病率和死亡率总体呈下降趋势,男性、15~19岁年龄组青少年结核病及不同亚型结核病的流行强度较高,需引起重视。
English Abstract:
      Objective To analyze the epidemic trend of tuberculosis (TB) in adolescents in China from 2000 to 2019. Methods We used data from Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 to describe the epidemic trend of TB. The estimated annual percentage changes (EAPC) of the morbidity and mortality were calculated to assess epidemic trends from 2000 to 2019. Results In 2019, a total of 37 815.670 TB cases and 213.629 deaths were reported in adolescents in China, the morbidity was 25.938/100 000 and the mortality was 0.147/100 000. The cases and deaths of TB in 2019 decreased by 71.84% and 89.90% respectively compared with 2000. In 2019, the incident case number (21 371.747) was 1.30 times higher in male adolescents than in female adolescents (16 443.923), and was 4.11 times higher in age group 15-19 years (30 420.054) than in age group 10-14 years (7 395.616). From 2000 to 2019, the morbidity (EAPC=-3.95, 95%CI: -4.34- -3.55) and mortality (EAPC=-9.18, 95%CI: -9.33- -9.02) of TB in the adolescents showed decreasing trends. The morbidity and mortality of drug-sensitive TB, extensively drug-resistant TB and multidrug-resistant TB all showed decreasing trends. Conclusions The morbidity and mortality of TB and its subtypes among adolescents in China decreased during 2000-2019. More attention should be paid to male adolescents and adolescents aged 15-19 years due to relatively higher incidence intensity of TB.
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