中华预防医学会.破伤风高风险人群主动免疫制剂使用专家共识[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2024,45(6):761-769
Expert consensus on the use of tetanus vaccines for the high-risk group of post-traumatic tetanus
Received:April 01, 2024  
KeyWord: 破伤风  暴露前免疫预防  破伤风疫苗  专家共识
English Key Word: Tetanus  Pre-exposure immunization  Tetanus vaccines  Expert consensus
Author NameAffiliation
Chinese Preventive Medicine Association  
Hits: 711
Download times: 182
English Abstract:
      Tetanus remains a potentially fatal disease with highly severe consequences worldwide. China has eliminated neonatal tetanus since 2012, but post-traumatic tetanus still represents a substantial public health burden. It is of great significance to implement active pre-exposure immunization among the high-risk group of post-traumatic tetanus in China, which can help reduce the burden of post-traumatic tetanus. Based on the World Health Organization's position paper on tetanus vaccines and relevant regulations and standards issued by China. This consensus introduces the pre-exposure immunization prevention strategies for tetanus both domestically and internationally, as well as the definition of a high-risk group of post-traumatic tetanus in China. It also provides recommendations on using active immunological preparation for tetanus, which can be used as a reference for relevant personnel engaged in disease prevention, control, and vaccination.
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