Volume 26,Issue 10,2005 Table of Contents
Study on the national program of 'monitoring the iodized-salt situation'in 2004 XU Jing,LI Su-mei,ZHENG Jian-dong,WANG Jian-qiang,ZHENG Qing-si and DONG Hui-jie 2005,26(10):735-739 [Abstract ] [PDF (447.93 K) ] [Html FullText ] A field trial study on the influence of different salt iodine concentration on urinary iodine excrition among the target population FAN Yi-bing,LI Su-mei,CHEN Hai-ying,YUAN Kun-hua,JU Guo-ping,LI Ming,LI Shu-hua,LI Xiu-wei,ZOU Le-zhi,WANG Jing and SHU Zhen-hua 2005,26(10):740-744 [Abstract ] [PDF (262.37 K) ] [Html FullText ] 鲁西南水源性高碘地区分布与居民食用盐现状调查 郭晓尉,刘源,翟丽屏,王欣,黄居梅,刘传蛟,边建朝,秦启亮,陈祖培 2005,26(10):745 [Abstract ] [PDF (53.68 K) ] [Html FullText ]
Field Epidemiological Investigation
Disease Control
Field Epidemiological Investigation
The development and assessment on the general quality of life instrument for Chinese people WU Yang-feng,XIE Gao-qiang,LI Ying,ZHOU Bei-fan,ZHANG Pu-hong,SHI Ping,REN Fu-xiu and MA Lan-yan 2005,26(10):751-756 [Abstract ] [PDF (297.43 K) ] [Html FullText ] Study on health economics regarding the screening of gastric cancer in Zhuanghe high risk area PAN Song,HE Qin-cheng,ZHOU Bao-sen and YUAN Yuan 2005,26(10):757-760 [Abstract ] [PDF (217.27 K) ] [Html FullText ] Study on factors affecting the quality of life to cancer patients at the community level in Shanghai ZOU Jian-jun,ZHENG Ying,QIAN Jian-xin,GU Xiao-qiang and WANG Jie-jun 2005,26(10):761-766 [Abstract ] [PDF (298.73 K) ] [Html FullText ]
Disease Control
Field Epidemiological Investigation
A comprehensive evaluation on sstroke prevalence among elderly in urban and rural areas of Beijing,2002 LIU Hong-jun,FANG Xiang-hua,ZHANG Guo-feng,HUANG Wei-zu,PING Guang-yu,TANG Zhe,WU Xiao-guang,ZHOU Hong,LI Ning-yan,WANG Wei-shan,DIAO Li-jun and SUN Fei 2005,26(10):767-771 [Abstract ] [PDF (247.22 K) ] [Html FullText ]
Disease Control
Field Epidemiological Investigation
A case control study on the relationship between trace elements and human neural tube defects ZHANG Wei,REN Ai-guo,PEI Li-jun,HAO Ling,OU Yang-li,ZHONG Xin-yan,ZHANG Fei-ran,DIAO Ci-hui,LUO Wei-bo,ZHOU Lin-zi,ZHANG Mei-lin and LI Zhu 2005,26(10):772-776 [Abstract ] [PDF (271.96 K) ] [Html FullText ] Study on the detoxication gene gstM 1-.gstT 1-null and susceptibility to aflatoxin B1 -related hepatocellular carcinoma in Guangxi LONG Xi-dai,MA Yun,WEI Yi-ping and DENG Zhuo-lin 2005,26(10):777-781 [Abstract ] [PDF (254.73 K) ] [Html FullText ]
Disease Control
青海省乌兰县两起人间鼠疫疫情的调查 李国昌,戴瑞霞,许乃琪,叶培力,魏荣杰,尚国宝,陈瑛,郭庆,陶国维,翟海涛,李春生,王祖郧 2005,26(10):781 [Abstract ] [PDF ] [Html FullText ]
Field Epidemiological Investigation
Study on the distribution of Yersinia enterocolitica in Nantong,Jiangsu province GU Ling,WANG Hua,ZHU Feng-cai,SHI Zhi-yang,ZENG Xiao-yan,TAN Zhao-ying,XIAO Yu-chun,QIU Hai-yan,WANG Xin,JIN Dong,GUI Zhi-gang,WANG Bing,KAN Biao,WANG Xin-sheng,JING Huai-qi and XU Jian-guo 2005,26(10):786-789 [Abstract ] [PDF (219.13 K) ] [Html FullText ] Analysis on allele frequencies of 7 short tandem repeat loci of Kashing-Beck disease patients on chromosome 12 KANG Long-li,GUO Xiong,ZUO Hong,PING Zhi-guang,ZHANG Bao-di,LAI Jiang-hua and GENG Dong 2005,26(10):790-793 [Abstract ] [PDF (198.71 K) ] [Html FullText ] The relationship between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene polymorphism and microsatellite instability in gastric cancer SI Pei-ren,FANG Dian-chun,ZHANG Hao,YANG Liu-qin,LUO Yuan hui and LIAO Hua-yu 2005,26(10):794-799 [Abstract ] [PDF (375.71 K) ] [Html FullText ]
Clinical Epidemiology
Study on the positive frequency and distribution of glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody in phenotypic type 2 diabetic patients LI Xia,ZHOU Zhi-guang,HUANG Gan,PENG Jian,YAN Xiang,YANG Lin,WANG Jian-ping and DENG Zhi-ming 2005,26(10):800-803 [Abstract ] [PDF (204.95 K) ] [Html FullText ] Study on the association between inflammatory factor and insulin resistance as well as type 2 diabetes with macrovascular complications YOU Qiao-ying,LI Cheng-jiang,LI Hong,ZHU Qi-qian and SI Xu wei 2005,26(10):804-807 [Abstract ] [PDF (208.83 K) ] [Html FullText ] The effect of health education on lung function and quality of life among stabilized patients with chronic pulmonary disease CHEN Lian,ZHANG Guo-lin,LIN Shao-shan,YANG Lu-min and QIU Qiu-yu 2005,26(10):808-810 [Abstract ] [PDF (156.43 K) ] [Html FullText ]
Disease Control
Basic Theory and Methodology
Disease Control
海南省2002-2005年12例类鼻疽患者临床分析 林容,陈海,云武 2005,26(10):824 [Abstract ] [PDF ] [Html FullText ] 某部队新兵连一起戊型肝炎爆发中感染者的抗体动态变化 王珊珊,席云珍,唐博恒,刘金华,傅建国,黄佳亮,王桂珍,朱顺权,吴辉绪,王志斌,孙均明,刘建国 2005,26(10):825 [Abstract ] [PDF ] [Html FullText ] 中国中部地区某村有偿献血人员家庭内艾滋病病毒感染状况分析 王克荣,徐克沂,屈文妍,李秀兰,杨翌 2005,26(10):826 [Abstract ] [PDF ] [Html FullText ] 海口地区耐药金黄色葡萄球菌检测及其流行病学分析 欧阳范献,陈允凤,卜平凤,黄瑾,鲍时翔 2005,26(10):827 [Abstract ] [PDF ] [Html FullText ] 陕西省2001-2003年大骨节病病情与发硒监测分析 徐刚要,曹小刚,吕晓亚,张宝弟 2005,26(10):828-829 [Abstract ] [PDF ] [Html FullText ] 狂犬病潜伏期及影响暴露后狂犬疫苗接种的多因素分析 谭明杰,谢艺红,莫兆军,董邕辉,李荣成,杨进业 2005,26(10):829-830 [Abstract ] [PDF ] [Html FullText ] 非新生儿人群接种乙肝疫苗与乙型肝炎发病关系的Meta分析 何海艳,吴伟慎,张之伦 2005,26(10):830-831 [Abstract ] [PDF ] [Html FullText ] 福建省泉州市小儿脑性瘫痪流行病学调查 王盈盈,蔡丽如,周延安,黄永莲,陈丽娜,高瑛瑛,陈俊伟,庄镇漳,苏钊,蔡虹虹,洪瑞菊,陈嫦娅,陈扶持,王秀良,连怡红,许瑛文,傅小兰,庄爱霞,郑金泉 2005,26(10):832 [Abstract ] [PDF ] [Html FullText ] 山东省部分献血员中人疱疹病毒8型感染的血清流行病学调查 齐眉,赵蔚明,张心声,周亚滨,栾怡,于修平,贾继辉,王红,程轶喆,刘娟,唐伟 2005,26(10):833 [Abstract ] [PDF ] [Html FullText ] 利用Excel预测麻风病的发病趋势 赵进,磨良群 2005,26(10):834 [Abstract ] [PDF ] [Html FullText ] 浙江省绍兴县农村普通人群饮酒相关问题调查 骆建忠,蒋海潮,刘广华,姜诚勇 2005,26(10):835 [Abstract ] [PDF ] [Html FullText ]