北京市第二医院心血管病研究室,中国医学科学院流研所流行病学研究室.气功治疗高血压病的效果观察:流行病学方法的应用之一[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1983,4(1):48-51
Observations on the Therapeutic Efficacy of Treating Cases of Hypertension With a System of Walking & Breathing Exercises Using Epidemiological Methods
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      This paper reports the effect of doing qigong in treatment for 22 cases with essential hyperten-sion, stage II, with 25 comparable cases for control study by epidemiological method. After having practiced qigong for three months, they were observed to have their average systolic pressure decreased by 8.1 mmHg, diastolic pressure by 5.1 mmHg, and mean pressure by 6.7 mmHg, their symptoms were ameliorated, and their antihypertensive drug requirement reduced in varying degrees. Interruption of doing qigong for three months, blood pressures of the cases would again rise to the level before practice. The effects of qigong training were markedly influenced by the skill and continuance of practice. No adverse effects were observed in these subjects during the period of doing qigong. No instant induction in blood pressure was shown right after practicing qigong for one session. And this paper also gives a brief discussion on the trial design in the evaluation of treatment effect, the factors influencing the evaluation, and mechanism of qigong in blood pressure reduction.
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