王玲,陈明玉.儿童被动吸烟与化脓性脑膜炎[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1994,15(2):107-109
Childhood Passive Smoking and Purulent Meningitis
Received:March 27, 1993  Revised:July 19, 1993
KeyWord: 被动吸烟  化脓性脑膜炎  对比研究
English Key Word: Passive smoking  Purulent meningitis  Comparative study
Author NameAffiliation
Wang Ling Department of Pediatrics, Tangdu Hospital, Fourth Military Medical College, Xian 710038 
Cheng Mingyu Department of Pediatrics, Tangdu Hospital, Fourth Military Medical College, Xian 710038 
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English Abstract:
      The relationship between purulent meningitis and passive smoking were iavestigated in 63 children with purulent meningitis aged 1~12 years against 63 children with non-purulent meningitis as control. It was found that the odds ratio of parulent meningitis for children receiving passive smoking was 3.0, and the 95%confident limit was greater than 1 (P<0.05). There was significant dose-effect relationship between the daily dosage of cigarette smoked by family members and the odds ratio of purulent meningitis (P<0.005). It suggests that passive smoking is one of the risk factors for purulent meningitis.
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