高长明,李忠佑,丁建华,王建东,胡旭,刘体康,徐天亮,李洪川,Fujiyoshi Toshinobu,Takezaki Toshiro,Tajima Kazuo.人类白细胞抗原DRB1等位基因与幽门螺杆菌感染的关系[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,2000,21(6):417-419
Study on the relations between HLA-DRB1 alleles and Helicobacter pyloriinfection
Received:June 23, 2000  
KeyWord: 人类白细胞抗原DRB1等位基因  幽门螺杆菌  胃癌
English Key Word: Gene frequency of HLA-DRB1  Helicobacter pylori  Gastric cancer
Author NameAffiliation
GAO Changming Department of Epidemiology, Jiangsu Institute of Cancer Research, Nanjing 210009, China 
LI Zhongyou Department of Epidemiology, Jiangsu Institute of Cancer Research, Nanjing 210009, China 
DING Jianhua Department of Epidemiology, Jiangsu Institute of Cancer Research, Nanjing 210009, China 
WANG Jiandong Department of Epidemiology, Jiangsu Institute of Cancer Research, Nanjing 210009, China 
HU Xu 淮安市卫生防疫站 
LIU Tikang 邳州市卫生局 
XU Tianliang 淮安市卫生防疫站 
LI Hongchuang 日本鹿儿岛大学医学部 
Fujiyoshi Toshinobu 日本鹿儿岛大学医学部 
Takezaki Toshiro 日本爱知县癌中心研究所疫学 
Tajima Kazuo 日本爱知县癌中心研究所疫学 
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      目的 研究人类白细胞抗原 (HLA)DRB1等位基因与幽门螺杆菌 (Hp)感染的关系。 方法 用BioseedHp IgG定量酶联免疫试剂盒检测 46例胃癌、75例食道癌和100例人群对照的Hp IgG抗体,用Biotest低解析水平HLA DRB酶联免疫探针杂交测定试剂盒检测HLA DRB1等位基因。结果 (1)Hp IgG阳性组DRB108基因频度显著高于Hp IgG阴性组 (13.1%vs 4.4% ;χ2 =11.14,P<0.001)。Hp IgG阳性组DRB1 12基因频度显著低于Hp IgG阴性组 (5.4%vs 11.3 % ;χ2 =4.49,P <0.05 )。(2)胃癌组中DRB1 0 2基因频度显著高于对照组,而DRB107基因频度显著低于对照组,但在胃癌、对照的Hp IgG阳性组和Hp IgG阴性组之间的DRB1 02、DRB107基因频度差异均无显著性。结论 (1)HLA DRB108基因阳性可能增加对Hp的易感性,DRB1 12基因可能是抵御Hp感染的保护性基因。 (2)DRB102基因阳性可能是胃癌的宿主遗传危险因素、DRB107基因可能是胃癌的保护性因素,但DRB102、DRB107基因与胃癌的联系和Hp感染无关
English Abstract:
      Objective In order to study the relation between human leukocy te antigen (HLA)DRB1 alleles and Helicobacter py lori (Hp)infection.Methods Hp-I gG antibody from 46 g astric cancer(GC), 75 esophageal cancer and 100 population-based controls w ere identified by Hp-I gG quantitative enzyme immunoassay.Biotest HLA-DRB enzyme linked probe hybridization assay kit (low resolution)w as used to identify DRB1 alleles.Results (1)Frequency of DRB1 *08 was sig nificantly higher in Hp-IgG positive g roup than in Hp-IgG neg ative group (13.1% vs 4.4 %, χ2 =11.14, P <0.001).Frequency of DRB1 *12 w as sig nificantly lower in Hp-IgG positive g roup than in Hp-IgG negatives (5.4 % vs 11.3%,χ2 =4.49, P <0.05).(2)Frequency of DRB1 *02 in GC was significantly higher than that of controls. Frequency of DRB1 *07 in GC was sig nificantly lower than that of controls.However, neither the frequency of DRB1 *02 between Hp-IgG positive and Hp-I gG negative groups nor the frequency of DRB1 *07 betw een Hp-IgG positive and Hp-IgG negative g roups show ed significant differences in GC and controls.Conclusions (1)HLA-DRB1 *08 mig ht serve a gene tic risk factor for Hp infection while DRB1*12 mig ht play a role of pro tecting effect against Hp infection.(2)DRB1 *02 mig ht be a genetic risk factor fo r GC w hile DRB1 *07 might play a role of protecting effect against GC.However, the relations between DRB1 *02, DRB1*07 and GC were not associated with Hp infection.
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