| Volume 17,Issue 1,1996 Table of Contents
Editorial Contents | | | Rates of Hip Fractures in Beijing China | | Liu Ai-min, Xu Ling, Zhao Xi-he | | 1996,17(1):6-9 [Abstract] [PDF(3.24 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | The Trend of Proportion among Inpatients with Gout in 21 Hospitals during the Past 15 Years | | Yang Xiu-yan, Tang Fu-lin, Yin Pei-da | | 1996,17(1):10-12 [Abstract] [PDF(2.20 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Association of Air Pollution with Unscheduled Outpatient Visits in Beijing Longfu Hospital, 1991 | | Dong ding-wu, Xu Xi-ping, Dockery DW | | 1996,17(1):13-16 [Abstract] [PDF(3.16 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Vaginal Colonization of Group B Streptococcus: A Study in 267 Cases of Factory Women | | Zhu Yinzhi, Yang Yong-hong, Zhang Xiu-long | | 1996,17(1):17-19 [Abstract] [PDF(2.47 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Five Years Surveillance on Neural System Birth Defects in Rural Areas of China | | Hu Yong-hua, Li Li-ming, Li Peng | | 1996,17(1):20-24 [Abstract] [PDF(4.32 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | An Epidemiological Analysis on the Relationship between Motorization and Traffic Mortality in China | | Chi Gui-bo, Wang Sheng-yong, Hu Yi-ling | | 1996,17(1):25-28 [Abstract] [PDF(3.25 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | The Relationship between Integrated Fish Farming and Human Influenza Pandemic | | Gu Hui-xin, Hu Shan-iian, Yang Zhi-gang | | 1996,17(1):29-32 [Abstract] [PDF(3.60 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Serological Study on the Infection of Helicobacter pylori among Children | | Li Min, Jia Li-ying, Zhang Ting | | 1996,17(1):33-35 [Abstract] [PDF(2.44 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Nosocomial Transmission of Helicobacter pylori through Fiberoptic Gastroscopy | | Zhao Kui, Shi Ji-jing, Tuo Bi-guang | | 1996,17(1):36-39 [Abstract] [PDF(3.41 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A General Discription and Analysis of Plague Epidemiology in China During 1990-1994 | | Shen Erli | | 1996,17(1):40-43 [Abstract] [PDF(3.29 M)] [Html FullText] | | |
Contents Review Series Lecture Contents Contents | | | 武汉地区献血员甲型与戊型肝炎病毒感染状况的对比分析 | | 李方和,杨东亮,黄荣福,赵西平,喻植群,汪由坤,郝连杰 | | 1996,17(1):5 [Abstract] [PDF(931.46 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 一起急性腹泻暴发的调查 | | 赵荣贞,马灿华,雷蕾 | | 1996,17(1):16 [Abstract] [PDF(822.14 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 安徽省人群莱姆病血清流行病学调查 | | 张大荣,杭恒贵,刘红,顾莉莉,俞正楚,罗兆庄 | | 1996,17(1):24 [Abstract] [PDF(904.52 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 四川汶川地区1985~1993年黑热病流行病学调查分析 | | 江霖,王跃香,唐晓娟 | | 1996,17(1):28 [Abstract] [PDF(885.63 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 东北部分地区恙虫病血清学调查 | | 胡玲美,鲁志新,蔡增林,金显涛,赵占林 | | 1996,17(1):32 [Abstract] [PDF(930.82 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 秦皇岛市流行性出血热监测及灭鼠效果观察 | | 叶青,包国生,孙殿昕,史明坤,佟俊杰,张殿中,王玉,徐朝阳 | | 1996,17(1):39 [Abstract] [PDF(881.06 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 人狂犬病疫情影响因素初步分析 | | 罗会明,郝瑞丰,杜福,黄满涛,梁凤屏,文建华,陈泽池 | | 1996,17(1):43 [Abstract] [PDF(886.80 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 献血员丙型肝炎感染情况流行病学分析 | | 孙洁,杨少琴,巴伟 | | 1996,17(1):51 [Abstract] [PDF(919.52 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 布鲁氏菌病并发脊髓炎一例报告 | | 曹桂香 | | 1996,17(1):51 [Abstract] [PDF(919.52 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 森林脑炎与莱姆病双重感染关系探讨 | | 李华,孙呈祥,阎大成 | | 1996,17(1):54 [Abstract] [PDF(841.78 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 抗幽门螺杆菌抗体检测标准系统的建立及其在流行病学中的应用 | | 张建中,陈晶晶,蒋秀高 | | 1996,17(1):63 [Abstract] [PDF(988.46 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 迟发性维生素K缺乏症的临床流行病学分析 | | 刘敬,冯春富 | | 1996,17(1):64 [Abstract] [PDF(836.94 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 泰安市1990~1992年脊髓灰质炎免疫水平调查 | | 秦瑛,李星 | | 1996,17(1):64 [Abstract] [PDF(836.94 K)] [Html FullText] | | |