| Volume 23,Issue 5,2002 Table of Contents
Editorial Contents Expert Forum Contents Contents Contents Contents Field Epidemiological Investigation | | | The prevalence of epilepsy in rural Jinshan in Shanghai | | HUANG Maosheng,HONG Zhen,ZENG Jun,RONG Xuebao,SHENG Yutian and LU Chuanzhen | | 2002,23(5):345-346 [Abstract] [PDF(69.90 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | Obesity at different ages and endometrial cancer risk factors in urban Shanghai, China | | XU Wanghong,DAI Qi,RUAN Zhixian,CHENG Jiarong,JIN Fan and SHU Xiaoou | | 2002,23(5):347-351 [Abstract] [PDF(161.08 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | Trend analyses in the incidence of acute intracerebral hemorrhage events and acute cerebral infarction events in urban areas in Beijing | | WANG Wenhua,ZHAO Dong,WU Guixian,LIU Jun,LIU Sa,QIN Lanping and WU Zhaosu | | 2002,23(5):352-355 [Abstract] [PDF(118.65 K)] [Html FullText] | | |
Contents Field Epidemiological Investigation | | | Study on the relation between iodine nutrition of pregnant women in different occasions and thyroid function of their neonates | | ZHOU Ronghua,TAO Yuehua,DONG Xiaoju,LIU Qiuzhi,LIANG Zhankai,DU Yonggui,ZHANG Xinjian,JIA Yuling,XIN Ying,ZHAO Rongjuan and JI Yungai | | 2002,23(5):356-359 [Abstract] [PDF(150.63 K)] [Html FullText] | | |
Contents Field Epidemiological Investigation Contents Contents Contents Contents Contents | | | Study on the association between smoking behavior and dopamine receptor D2 gene polymorphisms among lung cancer cases | | QI Jun,TAN Wen,XING Deyin,MIAO Xiaoping and LIN Dongxin | | 2002,23(5):370-373 [Abstract] [PDF(153.68 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | Study on the Relationship between susceptibility of stomach neoplasm cancer and polymorphism of inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase gene | | SHEN Jing,WANG Runtian,WANG Liwei,WANG Zhaoxi,XING Houxun,WANG Binyan,LI Maosen,HUA Zhaolai,WANG Jianming,GUO Chunhua,WANG Xinru and XU Xiping | | 2002,23(5):374-377 [Abstract] [PDF(150.22 K)] [Html FullText] | | |
Clinical Epidemiology Contents Clinical Epidemiology | | | Study on a test of screening to predict stroke-using cerebral vascular hemodynamic indexes | | WUANG Jiuyi,GUO Zuo,SHEN Fengying,YANG Yongju,WANG Yan,FAN Shunying,YANG Bosheng,LIN Jianmin,CAO Yifeng,XU Xiaobin,FENG Chunhong,TIAN Wensheng and WANG Guiqing | | 2002,23(5):383-386 [Abstract] [PDF(121.79 K)] [Html FullText] | | |
Contents Clinical Epidemiology Contents Basic Theory and Methodology Contents Contents Review Series Lecture Disease Control | | | 静脉吸毒人群中艾滋病病毒感染相关的基因多态性初步分析 | | 王昌青,王福生,刘明旭,刘振东,洪卫国,金磊,侯静,王波 | | 2002,23(5):406-407 [Abstract] [PDF] [Html FullText] | | | | 肾综合征出血热灭活疫苗人群接种费用支付意愿研究 | | 阮玉华,傅继华,康殿民,张遵宝,王昕宇,王徽敏,高明启,王恒伟,程万春,王德全,张兴录,王克安 | | 2002,23(5):408 [Abstract] [PDF] [Html FullText] | | | | 社区健康儿童耐青霉素肺炎链球菌的检测与分析 | | 李颢,程金玲,王志东,王三群,刘小谷 | | 2002,23(5):409 [Abstract] [PDF] [Html FullText] | | | | 山东省城市老年人失眠现患率及催眠类药物应用情况流行病学调查 | | 刘连启,刘贤臣,刘兆玺,杨晓东,李传琦,矫正谊 | | 2002,23(5):410 [Abstract] [PDF] [Html FullText] | | | | 高氟区温室种养蔬菜和淡水鱼含氟量调查 | | 闫革彬,张才,许克义,赵瑞生 | | 2002,23(5):411 [Abstract] [PDF] [Html FullText] | | |
Contents Contents