| Volume 13,Issue 6,1992 Table of Contents
Contents | | | A case-control Study of Colorectal Cancer in Beijing | | Zhang Chao | | 1992,13(6):321-324 [Abstract] [PDF(3.22 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Epidemiologic Characteristics of Liver Cancer in the Youth in Qidong High-risk Area | | Chen Jianguo | | 1992,13(6):325-328 [Abstract] [PDF(3.05 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | An Epidemiological Analysis on the Geographic Factors of Esophageal Cancer | | Song Janrong | | 1992,13(6):329-332 [Abstract] [PDF(3.00 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | An Investigation on Hepatitis B Infection in the Women with Sexual Abuse | | Pen Jingmin | | 1992,13(6):333-336 [Abstract] [PDF(2.90 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | The Possible Role of Sperm in Family HBV Infection | | Xu Xiaoyuan | | 1992,13(6):337-339 [Abstract] [PDF(2.21 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Case-control Study on Risk Factors of Cerebral Hemorrhage | | Xu Weili | | 1992,13(6):340-343 [Abstract] [PDF(3.12 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Study on Risk Factors of Ischemic Stroke | | Qiu Chengxuan | | 1992,13(6):344-347 [Abstract] [PDF(3.16 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Primary Analysis on Hypertension Community Control in East City | | Yan Djyjng | | 1992,13(6):348-350 [Abstract] [PDF(2.16 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | The Matched Case-control Study of the Risk Factors Associated with Edema-Proteinuria Hypertension Syndrom (EPHS) | | Guo Zhen-chao | | 1992,13(6):351-354 [Abstract] [PDF(2.86 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Hypertension Risk Factors and Epidemiological Study in the Countryside | | Wu Xianping | | 1992,13(6):355-358 [Abstract] [PDF(3.36 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | An Outbreak of Rubella with A Cinema as Source | | Zhao Jinsuo | | 1992,13(6):359-361 [Abstract] [PDF(2.38 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Evaluation of Long-term Efficacy on Plasma-derived Hepatitis B Vaccine | | Xu Huiwen | | 1992,13(6):362-365 [Abstract] [PDF(3.38 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | An Investigation of Sequelae of paralytic Poliomyelitis in some Districts of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region | | Zhang Lianzhong | | 1992,13(6):366-367 [Abstract] [PDF(1.45 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Epidemiological Study on Mycoplasmas Colonization and Infection in the Female Genital Tract | | Wang Ning | | 1992,13(6):368-371 [Abstract] [PDF(3.01 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Influenza Surveillance | | Shen Fangzhen | | 1992,13(6):372-374 [Abstract] [PDF(2.40 M)] [Html FullText] | | |
Series Lecture Contents | | | 应用被动血球凝集试验测定麻疹抗体的结果分析 | | 李占河,王海燕,张永尧,李占山 | | 1992,13(6):324 [Abstract] [PDF(714.01 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 潜伏期恙虫病的诊断及治疗(附2例报告) | | 吴宗康,陈庆照 | | 1992,13(6):324 [Abstract] [PDF(714.01 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 锦县建业中心小学学生结肠小袋纤毛虫感染调查 | | 王文靖,潘琦,李宝芬,高纯,史凤云,张宝尧,李平,谢广昌,王景泉,艾春芳 | | 1992,13(6):328 [Abstract] [PDF(831.07 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 57例性病分析 | | 安立新,鞠颖,回亚茹 | | 1992,13(6):332 [Abstract] [PDF(752.32 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 用PCR技术从实验感染的豚鼠中检出立克次体 | | 张远富,毕德增,赵晶 | | 1992,13(6):332 [Abstract] [PDF(752.32 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 肿瘤患者感染布鲁氏菌病的探查 | | 卿燕,木合塔尔,邰新萍,安次巴依,王伟导,昌红 | | 1992,13(6):343 [Abstract] [PDF(813.27 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 葡萄糖胰岛素氯化钾三联液治疗肝病蛋白质代谢异常的初步观察 | | 洪明,朴盛琴,唐素梅,张晓东 | | 1992,13(6):347 [Abstract] [PDF(783.14 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | M5号布氏菌苗免疫鹿试验报告 | | 王正岩,高惠三,董玉武 | | 1992,13(6):354 [Abstract] [PDF(751.52 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 幽门螺杆菌尿素酶抗原的分离、纯化及其在诊断中的应用 | | 陈晶晶,张建中,蒋秀高 | | 1992,13(6):361 [Abstract] [PDF(852.80 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 莱姆病一例报告 | | 任秀清,张知德 | | 1992,13(6):361 [Abstract] [PDF(852.80 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 脊髓灰质炎三价糖丸疫苗与三价液体疫苗免疫应答效果观察 | | 山东省部分地区脊髓灰质炎监测与控制研究协作组 | | 1992,13(6):383 [Abstract] [PDF(756.07 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 通辽市母乳喂养影响因素的非条件Logistic回归分析 | | 佟伟军,赵宏林,侯金萍,王富昌 | | 1992,13(6):385 [Abstract] [PDF(893.63 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 乌鲁木齐市居民意外死亡的调查分析 | | 瞿世和,刘金宝,徐志朝,王庭,卜新莹,崔晓春 | | 1992,13(6):386 [Abstract] [PDF(764.71 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 结肠息肉的流行病学与临床观察 | | 陈丽菱,张宁,章平 | | 1992,13(6):386-387 [Abstract] [PDF(1.58 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | 暑令上呼吸道感染高热病毒病原流行病学研究 | | 刘征利,张礼壁,赵素兰,李洪海,彭征屏,孙斌辉,蒋弘 | | 1992,13(6):387 [Abstract] [PDF(857.36 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 一起由冰糕污染引起的副伤寒甲爆发流行的调查 | | 宋学良 | | 1992,13(6):388 [Abstract] [PDF(773.13 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 通辽地区人体内分离到高滴度鼠疫FI抗体 | | 李凤,潘井坤,薛晓智 | | 1992,13(6):388-389 [Abstract] [PDF(1.44 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | 黑河市1991年鼠种及携带EHF病毒的调查报告 | | 柳青林,佟圣魁,张波 | | 1992,13(6):389 [Abstract] [PDF(697.71 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 近年乙型流感病毒的变异及流行强度的预测分析 | | 栾翠英,肖作奎,黄宝童,张国旗,黄涛,袁淑琴,赵明远,王奉伟 | | 1992,13(6):389-390 [Abstract] [PDF(1.50 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | 流行性出血热的成龄鼠模型 | | 姚楚铮,黄莉莉,刁保卫 | | 1992,13(6):390 [Abstract] [PDF(838.70 K)] [Html FullText] | | |
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