| Volume 5,Issue 3,1984 Table of Contents
Contents | | | Surveillance of Japanese Encephalitis B During 1975~1982 in Shenyang, Liaoning Province | | Feng Guoxin | | 1984,5(3):129-133 [Abstract] [PDF(4.22 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | The Comparision of Haemagglutination Inhibition Titers of Venous and Peripheral Blood in Japanese Encephalitis B Patients | | Yang Wenzhi | | 1984,5(3):134-135 [Abstract] [PDF(4.20 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Investigation on the Contamination of Common Tableware by Hepatitis B Surface Antigen | | She Yushao | | 1984,5(3):136-137 [Abstract] [PDF(2.45 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Study on Mother-to-infant transmission of Asymptomatic HBsAg Carrier State | | Liang Ruilin | | 1984,5(3):138-142 [Abstract] [PDF(3.37 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Statistical Analysis of the Geographical Distribution of Primary Hepatocarcinoma | | Li Rongcheng | | 1984,5(3):143-145 [Abstract] [PDF(2.61 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Epidemiological Survey on The Etiological Relationship Between Primary Hepatocarcinoma and Hepatitis B Virus | | Ding Zhengrong | | 1984,5(3):146-149 [Abstract] [PDF(3.55 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Surveillance of the Relationship of Influenza Infection Between Humans and Pigs | | Fan Zonghua | | 1984,5(3):150-153 [Abstract] [PDF(1.70 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Nosocomial Infection Caused by S.Typhi-murium | | De zhou Regional People Hospital, Shandong Province | | 1984,5(3):154-156 [Abstract] [PDF(3.42 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Typhoid Fever Outbreak in liu-An County | | Liu-an Regional Anti-epidemic Station | | 1984,5(3):157-159 [Abstract] [PDF(1.72 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | The Sero-type Distribution of Salmonella Strains Isolated in Hangzhon Area During 1977~1981 | | Yu Wenbing | | 1984,5(3):160-163 [Abstract] [PDF(3.52 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Pig Carriers of Salmonellae | | Liu Minqing | | 1984,5(3):164-166 [Abstract] [PDF(876.04 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | The Local Epidemic of S.dysenteriae in Wuwei County, Gansu Province | | Cao Kaihong | | 1984,5(3):167-168 [Abstract] [PDF(928.30 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | An Outbreak of Amebiosis Infection | | Municipal Anti-epidemic Station of Kaifeng | | 1984,5(3):169-171 [Abstract] [PDF(928.30 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | The Clinical and Epidemiological Feature of Mild Measles | | Pei Fengxia | | 1984,5(3):172-175 [Abstract] [PDF(917.91 K)] [Html FullText] | | |
Contents Review Contents Contents Contents | | | 福建省近年来检出鲍氏志贺氏菌 | | 王晓苹,谢一俊,徐卫健 | | 1984,5(3):133 [Abstract] [PDF(1.51 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | 血脂调查与冠心病 | | 申德鑫,苗克,党琪民,吴世崑,路亚珍 | | 1984,5(3):133 [Abstract] [PDF(1.68 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | 人群感染钩端螺旋体混生株问题的研究 | | 陈明华,杨文映 | | 1984,5(3):142 [Abstract] [PDF(3.51 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | 信阳地区间日疟原虫对氯喹敏感性调查 | | 谭昌炎 | | 1984,5(3):145 [Abstract] [PDF(2.54 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | 山村蛲虫病流行情况调查 | | 许贤让,陈德仁,林大有 | | 1984,5(3):149 [Abstract] [PDF(2.51 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | 一起甲型肝炎食物型爆发的调查报告 | | 朱万孚,阚学贵,周玉芬,李宁华,杨沁,张洁苹,黄雪卿 | | 1984,5(3):153 [Abstract] [PDF(2.58 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | 江西省安福县武功山区肺吸虫病调查 | | 杨清光,疗军,胡政,王力和,刘汉池,左天元,宋世炳 | | 1984,5(3):156 [Abstract] [PDF(3.21 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | SpA协同凝集试验快速检测布氏菌的实验研究 | | 邢念义,林台城,孙长柱 | | 1984,5(3):163 [Abstract] [PDF(819.71 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 丰城县鼠类携带流行性出血热病原的调查 | | 古圣权,周明红,陈俊杰,董必军,邹松庭,熊洪禾,凃平平,裴福华 | | 1984,5(3):166 [Abstract] [PDF(1.67 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | 自小儿腹泻物分离的致病性大肠菌血清群的某些特征 | | 谢树云,林苹 | | 1984,5(3):166 [Abstract] [PDF(1.65 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | 嗜盐菌污染炊具的调查 | | 裴贵忠 | | 1984,5(3):171 [Abstract] [PDF(862.46 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 协同凝集反应用于按蚊胃血血源鉴定 | | 杨茂斌,江智辉,郑盛彬,邱玉清 | | 1984,5(3):175 [Abstract] [PDF(951.41 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 鼠伤寒沙门氏菌引起院内感染的细菌学调查 | | 李广恩,苏胜久,杨凡格 | | 1984,5(3):175 [Abstract] [PDF(923.00 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 改良对流免疫电泳的琼脂检测乙肝表面抗原提高了阳性率 | | 周祖岳,赵征良,谢小兵 | | 1984,5(3):179 [Abstract] [PDF(1.00 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | 钩端螺旋体病预测指标的探讨 | | 李优良,谭秀华 | | 1984,5(3):185 [Abstract] [PDF(948.59 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 酶标SpA组化法用于肾综合征出血热诊断的研究 | | 纪绍忠,严玉辰,李爱芳,陶小霞,崔小英,孔令雄,赵荣辉,陈化新,董必军 | | 1984,5(3):187 [Abstract] [PDF(899.21 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 35株痢疾杆菌分型及药敏试验 | | 李伟,肖慧仪 | | 1984,5(3):187 [Abstract] [PDF(801.95 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 一起水型细菌性痢疾爆发流行的调查报告 | | 祝智 | | 1984,5(3):187 [Abstract] [PDF(858.35 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 用间接免疫荧光法对流行性出血热病人及密切接触者血清特异性抗体的调查 | | 林永焕 | | 1984,5(3):190 [Abstract] [PDF(812.49 K)] [Html FullText] | | |