| Volume 5,Issue 4,1984 Table of Contents
Contents | | | A Survey on the Antibody level Against Legionella Pneumophila Among Adults in Nanjing Area | | 李宁,冯根宝,汪利平,刘永华,李珍大,武建国 | | 1984,5(4):193-194 [Abstract] [PDF(1.49 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | The Distribution of Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) Serotypes of N.meningitidis group A.in Eight Provinces and Cities in China | | 胡绪敬,王士明,奚文龙,贾克丽,刘国敏 | | 1984,5(4):195-198 [Abstract] [PDF(3.11 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Using Enzyme Immunoassay For the Identification of Cell-Cultured Virus-A Simple Approach of the Identification of Arboviruses | | 张永和,郁文芳,田仲文,葛继乾,陈勤生,王逸民 | | 1984,5(4):199-202 [Abstract] [PDF(3.49 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | The Investigation of the Relationship Between Rubella Infected Pregnancies and the Occurrence of Congenital Physical Defects in New Borne Babies | | 中国预防医学中心流研所流行病学研究室,中国医学科学院基础所免疫室,北京市东四妇产医院 | | 1984,5(4):203-205 [Abstract] [PDF(2.49 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | An Etiological Investigation of Epidemic Diarrhoea Among Adults in Jixi and Harbin, Heilongjiang Province | | 谢奉瑜,魏革,王哲 | | 1984,5(4):206-208 [Abstract] [PDF(3.12 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Water-borne Outbreak of Diarrhoea | | 张道鲁,贾延库,黎大任,段补根,尚伟,张欣,张毅 | | 1984,5(4):209-211 [Abstract] [PDF(2.57 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | An Investigation of the Effect of Leptospiral Outer Envelope Vaccine——Ⅳ.A Study Among A Small Scale Population | | 鲍行豪,罗海波,张锦麟,李岩金,姜训,裘颖静 | | 1984,5(4):212-215 [Abstract] [PDF(3.34 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Serological Study of Primary Hamster Kidney Cell Cultured Vaccine | | 李雪翔,胡礼文,王仁宏,蔡长明 | | 1984,5(4):216-218 [Abstract] [PDF(2.46 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Study of the Distribution of Local Oncomelania Snail Infestation Without Aboriginal Human Schistosomiasis | | 何尚英,曹奇,顾諟栋,刘惠生,孙庆祺,许正元,单敦昌,顾伯良,柯士驯,瞿光泽,陈瑞渊,朱健 | | 1984,5(4):219-222 [Abstract] [PDF(3.33 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | The Epidemiological Surveillance of Kala-azar After its Eradication in Henan Province | | 王恒礼,颜秋叶 | | 1984,5(4):223-225 [Abstract] [PDF(2.62 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | An Epidemiological Survey of Scabies in Jingman County, Hubei Province | | 曾凡明 | | 1984,5(4):226-228 [Abstract] [PDF(2.46 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | The Brucella-Killing Activity of Co60-γ-ray in Wool | | 胡德育,刘文贞 | | 1984,5(4):229-231 [Abstract] [PDF(2.44 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | The Disinfective Activity of Microwave on Cafeteria Meal Coupons | | 张锦屏,张㛃,张克忠,于凤英 | | 1984,5(4):232-236 [Abstract] [PDF(4.14 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Survey of the Sources of Contimination of Chinese Paper Money and the Disin-fective Activity of Microwave | | 张锦屏,张宝池,项力,刘以贤,滕仁明,彭国克,张㛃,张书芬,周国成,武海燕,杨文平,郑文贞 | | 1984,5(4):237-241 [Abstract] [PDF(4.01 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | The Prepared Microencapsulated Insectieide Mixture and its Killing-effect on Cockroachs | | 高韵苕,汪斌和,沈培谊 | | 1984,5(4):242-244 [Abstract] [PDF(2.47 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | The Infection of Angiostrongylus Cantonensis in Definitive and Intermediate Hosts in Guangzhou, 1979~1982 | | 梁浩昆,沈浩贤 | | 1984,5(4):245-248 [Abstract] [PDF(4.15 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | The Natural Life Cycle and Seasonal Dynamics of Aedes Albopictus in Bo A County, Henan Province | | 葛凤翔,陈浩利 | | 1984,5(4):249-251 [Abstract] [PDF(2.59 M)] [Html FullText] | | |
Review Contents | | | 鼠咬热一例报告 | | 胡时先 | | 1984,5(4):194 [Abstract] [PDF(735.42 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 三种微氧法检验鸡空肠弯曲菌的比较 | | 叶友松,王建,晏萍,朱时春,周新兰 | | 1984,5(4):194 [Abstract] [PDF(735.42 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 淄博市流行性出血热疫源地鼠类带毒情况调查 | | 山东省淄博市卫生防疫站 | | 1984,5(4):198 [Abstract] [PDF(768.30 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 自猪体分离出一株卡劳沙门氏菌 | | 李云英,刘丹,孙棫华 | | 1984,5(4):202 [Abstract] [PDF(816.70 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 溴代毒鼠磷小麦野外大面积灭鼠效果观察 | | 姜自强,张荣华,禹兴 | | 1984,5(4):211 [Abstract] [PDF(841.25 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 肠道门诊菌痢诊断依据可靠程度的探讨 | | 佘少良,彭求烈,顾振祥,刘文英,赵翠英,胡秋萍,熊桂兰,姚静 | | 1984,5(4):215 [Abstract] [PDF(871.56 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 抗人全血浆抗体的制备及其在免疫诊断方面的应用 | | 陈瑞珍,李之桂,王长鳌,禹惠兰,程春生 | | 1984,5(4):225 [Abstract] [PDF(958.43 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 由大林姬鼠、棕背䶄引起的流行性出血热爆发流行的调查报告 | | 魏仰华,王凤臣,何亦祥,李忠义,任丽源,刘江秋 | | 1984,5(4):228 [Abstract] [PDF(939.24 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | A群流脑多糖菌苗血清学效果观察 | | 黄荣潼,王治国,易元忠,马厚松,李开春,张继芬 | | 1984,5(4):236 [Abstract] [PDF(930.81 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 黑龙江省及内蒙古自治区呼盟部分地区蜱传斑点热的血清学调查 | | 娄丹,刘国栋,吴益民,丁桂林,陶增光 | | 1984,5(4):241 [Abstract] [PDF(830.35 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 1,623名孕妇HBsAg检测结果简报 | | 广东省中山县卫生防疫站,中山县妇幼保健院 | | 1984,5(4):244 [Abstract] [PDF(742.83 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 发生麻疹原因的分析 | | 戴德生,方文仙,李春英 | | 1984,5(4):248 [Abstract] [PDF(830.91 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 从云南白纹伊蚊分得登革热Ⅳ型病毒 | | 张海林,自登云,施华芳,龚正达,米竹青,张嘉玉,罗惠蓉,刘丽华,刘文雪,李雪东,俞永新 | | 1984,5(4):251 [Abstract] [PDF(887.52 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 杭州市某幼儿园健康儿童空肠弯曲菌感染调查 | | 许新强,余文炳,倪小平,斯国琴,赵蓓玲 | | 1984,5(4):256 [Abstract] [PDF(783.70 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 郑州市人群风疹抗体水平调查 | | 郑州市卫生防疫站 | | 1984,5(4):257 [Abstract] [PDF(743.07 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 产肠毒素大肠艾希氏菌引致食物中毒一例 | | 马治中,孙阔 | | 1984,5(4):257 [Abstract] [PDF(743.07 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 沈阳市区流行性出血热首次流行的调查 | | 赵铁镪,李燕婷,高国力,李德春,纪红,康瀛源,高治义,严玉辰,陈化新 | | 1984,5(4):258 [Abstract] [PDF(702.13 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 炭疽芽胞热休克对分离培养的影响 | | 过祥豹 | | 1984,5(4):259-259,208 [Abstract] [PDF(1.65 M)] [Html FullText] | | |