Volume 34,Issue 3,2013 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  

Field Epidemiological Investigation

Study on the status of HBV infection and its determinants among family members with HBVinfected persons in Shanghai
  LI Jian,LIU Ringyi,Yu Jiayu and LI Yanting
  2013,34(3):205-209 [Abstract]  [PDF(370.19 K)]  [Html FullText]
Prevalence of occult hepatitis B virus infection and its phylogenetic features among mother—teenager pairs
  DONG Xiaolian,YAO Qingqing,WANG Xuecai,xu Haitao,WANG Xiaoli,CHEN Shengyu,TANG zhifeng and ZHENG Yingjie
  2013,34(3):210-213 [Abstract]  [PDF(314.65 K)]  [Html FullText]
tudy on the risk of HBV infecfion among spouses of HBsAg carriers
  SUN Aiwu,Bi Shengli,WANG Feng,WANG Fuzhen,WANG Shuang,TU Qiufeng,SHAO Xiaoping,ZHENG Hui and SUN Xiaojin
  2013,34(3):214-217 [Abstract]  [PDF(303.74 K)]  [Html FullText]
A CROSS-sectional study on the prevalence of HIV drug resistance in patients parking antiretroviral treatment in Shenqiu county,Henan province
  CUI Weiguo,XUE Xiujuan,LIU Jia,SUN Guoqing,LIU Chunhua,TIAN Suian,WANG Zhe,LI Hanping and LI Jingyun
  2013,34(3):218-220 [Abstract]  [PDF(240.13 K)]  [Html FullText]
Relationship between dietary pattern and excess body weight among urban residents:a three—year follow—up study in Nanjing
  XU Lu,HONG Xin,LIANG Yaqiong,WANG Zhiyong and XU Fei
  2013,34(3):221-225 [Abstract]  [PDF(293.03 K)]  [Html FullText]
Study on the diet quality and its relative effect factors among rural residents,using the ChineseDiet Balalice Index(CDBI)in Hanzhong,Shaanxi province
  LIU Ruru,DANG Shaonong,WANG Weihua,FAN Xiaojing,YAN Hong and ZHAO Yaling
  2013,34(3):225-230 [Abstract]  [PDF(430.72 K)]  [Html FullText]
Survey on behaviors of health in poverty area from the mid—west four provinces of China
  JIANG Yan,CUI Ying,SU Xiaoge,YANG Li,WANG Lei and SONG Weilu
  2013,34(3):231-235 [Abstract]  [PDF(294.06 K)]  [Html FullText]
ruit and vegetable consumption and related influencing factors among urban junior students in Hangzhou
  REN Yanjun,LIU Qingmin,CAO Chengjian,LV Jun and LI Liming
  2013,34(3):236-240 [Abstract]  [PDF(340.93 K)]  [Html FullText]
Changes in blood pressure and related determinants before and during normal pregnancy
  Wang Shaya,ZHOU Shujin,WEN ShiWU,TAN Hongzhuan,LUO Meiing,GUO Yawei,CAl Chang,HE Yue and LIU Yi
  2013,34(3):241-244 [Abstract]  [PDF(258.70 K)]  [Html FullText]
Suicide ideation and its influential factors among primary and junior high school students in rural areas of Anhui province
  CHEN Jian,CHEN Mingchun,SUN Yehuan,ZHAO Xue,SUN Liang,JIANG Yuhong,LV Xiaoling and WU Zhenqiang
  2013,34(3):245-249 [Abstract]  [PDF(350.98 K)]  [Html FullText]


ecomposition of life expectancy among permanent residents of Beijing,2000—2010
  SU Jianting,GAO Yanlin,WEI Zaihua and WANG Jing
  2013,34(3):250-253 [Abstract]  [PDF(251.70 K)]  [Html FullText]
ever monitoring program in areas with hiigh incidence of typhoid and paratyphoid fever in Guizhou province
  YAO Guanghai,TANG Guaagpeng,TIAN Kecheng,ZHANG ring,SUN junling,WANG Zijun,JIANG Youqin,ZHAO Qiliang and CHEN Xue
  2013,34(3):254-258 [Abstract]  [PDF(347.74 K)]  [Html FullText]

Laboratory Research

Analysis on Mycoplasma pirum infection in male HIVIAIDS patients and related 16S rRNA genes in Jiangsu province
  WU Jianru,ZHU Yi,XIE Yanxin,ZHOU Liangjia,XU Jinshui,HUAN Xiping and WANG Bei
  2013,34(3):259-262 [Abstract]  [PDF(755.05 K)]  [Html FullText]
Study on the molecular epidemiological characteristics of norovirus in acute gastroenteritis of Beijing
  SANG Shaowei,ZHAO Zhongtang,SUO Jijiang,XING Yubin,JIA Ning,GAO Yan,DU Mingmei,XiE Lijun and LIU Bowei
  2013,34(3):263-266 [Abstract]  [PDF(274.59 K)]  [Html FullText]

Clinical Study

Economic burden and related factors on inpatients with HBV.related diseases in Shandong province
  LV jingjing,LI Renpeng,XU Aiqiang,ZHANG Li,SONG Lizhi,YAN Bingyu,JI Feng,LIU Jiaye and FANG Xueqiang
  2013,34(3):267-272 [Abstract]  [PDF(436.91 K)]  [Html FullText]
Decision tree and cost.benefit analysis on strategies related to preventing maternal-infantile transmission of hepatitis B virills tnfection
  SHI Guo and ZHANG Shunxiang
  2013,34(3):273-278 [Abstract]  [PDF(422.51 K)]  [Html FullText]


Meta-analysis on the prognostic value of pregnancy—associated plasma protein—A in acute coronary syndrome
  LONG Man,CHEN Aihua,DENG Minfeng,LAI Wenwen and LIANG Yihai
  2013,34(3):279-284 [Abstract]  [PDF(425.60 K)]  [Html FullText]
Effect of promoter polymorphism of organic cation transporter OCTNl,2 on the susceptibility to Crohns disease:a Meta-analysis
  MA Muyuan,MA Zhibin,XU Hongyu,ZHAO Jingbo,LI Ying and GAO Meng
  2013,34(3):285-289 [Abstract]  [PDF(353.04 K)]  [Html FullText]

Basic Theory and Methodology

Sample size estimation of gene—environmental interaction and the actual implementations on the Empower Stats software
  LIN Lin and CHEN Changzhong
  2013,34(3):290-293 [Abstract]  [PDF(271.25 K)]  [Html FullText]


“Obesity paradox”—_a phenomenon based upon the health-related outcome on quality of life
  ZHU Yanbo
  2013,34(3):294-296 [Abstract]  [PDF(253.25 K)]  [Html FullText]


Violent behavior in people with schizophrenia:a review
  LIU Tianli,SONG Xinming,CHEN Gong and ZHENG Xiaoying
  2013,34(3):297-302 [Abstract]  [PDF(575.59 K)]  [Html FullText]

Disease Control

The confirming index of compliance Oil folic acid intaking in pregnant women
  BAI Yana,ZHU Jun,CHENG Ning,HU Xiaobin,ZHENG Tongzhang and ZHANG Yawei
  2013,34(3):303-304 [Abstract]  [PDF(124.63 K)]  [Html FullText]
Correlation and discordance in the diagnosis of osteoporosis between lumbar spine and hip bone mineraldensity
  HUANG Jiyuan,SONG Wenzhong,SHI Kejian,HUANG Mei,FENG Xiayu and WEN Qunfang
  2013,34(3):305-306 [Abstract]  [PDF(132.25 K)]  [Html FullText]