| Volume 11,Issue 3,1990 Table of Contents
Contents | | | An Epidemiological Study on Prevalence and Risk Factors of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection in Preschool Children | | Huang Minjun | | 1990,11(3):129-132 [Abstract] [PDF(3.53 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Seroepidemiological Study of HBV Infection in Hunan Area | | Xiao Yijing | | 1990,11(3):133-137 [Abstract] [PDF(4.17 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Detection of Hepatitis B Virus DNA in Urine of Asymptomatic HBsAg Carriers | | Dai Ziseng | | 1990,11(3):138-140 [Abstract] [PDF(2.71 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | An Evaluation of the China-made HIV Antibody Test Reagents | | Zheng Xiwen, Zhu Di | | 1990,11(3):141-144 [Abstract] [PDF(3.67 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Surveillance and Control of ARI Among Urban Nurseries in Beijing | | Zhang Zijin | | 1990,11(3):145-149 [Abstract] [PDF(4.37 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | An Epidemiological Survey of Mumps in Hubei Province | | Xu Cunhua | | 1990,11(3):150-153 [Abstract] [PDF(3.38 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Study on Rapid Diagnosis of Acute Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis Caused by Coxsackievirus A24 Variant | | Mu Guifan | | 1990,11(3):154-155 [Abstract] [PDF(1.78 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Human Plague During 1979~1988 in China and Strategy of Its Control | | Shen Erli | | 1990,11(3):156-159 [Abstract] [PDF(3.46 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | A Study on Identification of Atypical and R Phase Strains of Brucella | | Shang De-qui | | 1990,11(3):160-166 [Abstract] [PDF(6.19 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Rapid Diagnosis of Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis by Co-agglutination | | Gao Enming | | 1990,11(3):167-169 [Abstract] [PDF(2.60 M)] [Html FullText] | | | | Effectiveness Evaluation and Cost-Effectiveness Estimate for Diarrhea Control by Enviroment Improvement in Rural Area | | Lou Hong | | 1990,11(3):170-174 [Abstract] [PDF(4.53 M)] [Html FullText] | | |
Contents Contents Review Contents Contents | | | 银屑病激发因素的“病例对照”研究 | | 刘承煌,杨朝喜,毛维翰 | | 1990,11(3):132 [Abstract] [PDF(886.68 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 针刺在传播乙型病毒性肝炎中的作用初探 | | 孙桂霞,柳景才 | | 1990,11(3):137 [Abstract] [PDF(945.76 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 自贡地区老年前期及老年欺恶性肿瘤1353例病理统计学分析 | | 王占贵,曹文华,熊跃芳 | | 1990,11(3):140 [Abstract] [PDF(850.57 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 北京市食管癌的病例对照研究 | | 王润田,高弘,张华,孔广成 | | 1990,11(3):144 [Abstract] [PDF(963.34 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 对500例献血员乙肝标志物检测分析 | | 郭绍斌,马骏勇,陆建寿,孙秀君,周华,高秀华 | | 1990,11(3):149 [Abstract] [PDF(805.19 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 121例白血病患者的流冇病学分析 | | 王国云 | | 1990,11(3):155 [Abstract] [PDF(908.37 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 黑河市1970?1986年10种主要传染病的流行动态 | | 柳青林 | | 1990,11(3):174 [Abstract] [PDF(939.22 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 被动血凝试验和血凝抑制试验检测麻疹抗体比较 | | 刘家熬,肖娣华,高瞻,陈先红 | | 1990,11(3):178 [Abstract] [PDF(945.99 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 广西又发现一个犬种布鲁氏菌病疫区 | | 高丽云,罗远淑,梁飞雄,周凤鸣,龚素琼,徐语哲,李建新 | | 1990,11(3):183 [Abstract] [PDF(922.29 K)] [Html FullText] | | | | 生物素-亲和素系统检测抗布鲁氏菌抗体的研究 | | 薛永祥 | | 1990,11(3):192 [Abstract] [PDF(849.79 K)] [Html FullText] | | |